From measuring student performance on specific standards to certifying teachers and administrators, the Department of Education manages a range of assessments across Florida every year. Please use the links below to find out more about our assessments.
K-12 Assessments
- Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Assessments: Students in VPK through grade 10 participate in the FAST English Language Arts (ELA) Reading, and students in VPK through grade 8 participate in FAST Mathematics. Assessments are administered three times per year.
- End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments: Students in any grade completing courses in Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology 1, U.S. History, or Civics (or their equivalent courses)
- Statewide Science Assessment: Students in grades 5 and 8
- Writing Assessment:Students in grades 4 through 10
- ACCESS for ELLs: Students in grades K–12, currently classified as English Language Learners, with a code of "LY" participate in ACCESS for ELLs assessments.
- FCLE (Florida Civic Literacy Exam): Students in any grade completing a U.S. Government course
- FAA (Florida Alternate Assessment): Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities whose participation in the general statewide assessment, even with accommodations, is not appropriate
- National and International Assessments: Representative samples of students selected to participate in NAEP, PISA, PIRLS, and TIMSS
- High School Equivalency (GED® Test): Individuals (age requirements apply) desiring a high school equivalency diploma (Division of Career and Adult Education/Bureau of Budget, Accountability, and Assessment)
Postsecondary Assessments
- FTCE (Florida Teacher Certification Examinations): Educators seeking initial certification in the K-12 system (Bureau of Postsecondary Assessment)
- FELE (Florida Educational Leadership Examination): Educators seeking initial certification as educational administrators in the K-12 system (Bureau of Postsecondary Assessment)