Florida is a national leader in education. Florida students are closing the achievement gap, improving graduation rates, and taking more Advanced Placement and STEM courses. A great education starts with high academic standards, rigorous courses and dedicated educators ready to help each student reach his or her full potential by preparing them for the colleges and workplaces of tomorrow.

English Language Learners
The Student Achievement through Language Acquisition (SALA) staff provides assistance to schools, districts, school board personnel, teachers, parents, and community organizations in all areas of education for English Language Learners (ELLs) and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program services.
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Graduation Requirements
Students may earn one or more designations on their standard high school diploma - the scholar designation and the merit designation per section 1003.4285, F.S. Requirements are listed in the graduation requirements charts by grade nine entering cohort year.
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GED Testing
Florida recently transitioned its credentialing process to a paperless web-based transcript and diploma request system. This section contains information on how to register to take the GED® Test, testing accommodations and much more.
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Just Read, Florida!
Just Read, Florida! is the statewide reading initiative that prioritizes reading in Florida's public schools and among all the community groups and volunteer organizations that support them. To date, over 45,000 teachers statewide have attended Just Read, Florida! reading academies.
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