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Foster Care

FDOE Foster Care Contacts

The FDOE points of contact for foster care are Jennifer Kruis, Assistant Bureau Chief, Bureau of Federal Educational Programs, and Beverley Wilks, School Social Work Consultant, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services.

District Foster Care Contacts

State and Federal Memorandums

State and Federal Statutes

  • Section 409.1452, F.S., Collaboration with State University System, Florida College System, and Department of Education to assist children and young adults who have been or are in foster care or are experiencing homelessness; documentation regarding eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions.
  • Section 39.0016, F.S., Education of abused, neglected, and abandoned children; agency agreements; children having or suspected of having a disability.

Foster Care Guidance

Interagency Collaboration to Ensure Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care

The PowerPoint presentation linked below describes the importance of interagency collaboration in implementing Title I, Part A educational stability provisions for students in foster care. It will identify strategies for effective interagency collaboration to address the needs of students in foster care.

Interagency Collaboration to Ensure Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care (PDF)