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Student Support Services
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Military Family Resources

As a member of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, Florida recognizes the need to provide supports to students of military families. Today’s military children and families experience unique hardships. They move frequently and must adjust to new living environments, schools and peer groups much more than their civilian counterparts. They live through repeated cycles of separation and reunion.

The compact rules are designed to: 

  • Facilitate the transfer of education records and enrollment
  • Promote smooth transitions to graduation
  • Promote seamless transitions for course and educational placements
  • Consider circumstances for excused absences
  • Facilitate eligibility for enrollment in school and extracurricular participation

We are pleased to offer the resources below that may assist you with a positive school experience.

Florida's Military Compact Initiative Newsletter

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Andrew Weatherill, Senior Director
Student Support Services