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Program Assessment for SR

During the 2018 legislative session, the Florida Legislature passed a bill (HB 1091) that increased quality and accountability in the School Readiness (SR) Program. The Division of Early Learning leads the implementation of this legislation in partnership with local early learning coalitions. This legislation ensures that SR providers are adhering to best practices in early education and child development, while providing opportunities for additional funding.

Qualifying providers may receive a payment differential based on their Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) scores up to 10 percent for each care level and unit of care based on their SR reimbursement. In addition, providers implementing an approved child assessment may be eligible for a payment differential up to 5 percent. The total available payment differential for both CLASS scores and implementation of child assessments will not exceed 15 percent.

Quality Performance System for Provider Registration

Quality Performance System for Provider Registration

Program Assessment Rule Language

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) Information

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) is an evidence-based observational tool used to assess the effectiveness of teacher-child interactions in the classroom focusing on the following domains: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support.

For information about available CLASS trainings, contact your local early learning coalition.

Teacher QA's from CLASS® Observations (PDF)

For additional information or to receive technical assistance, email

For further assistance, contact your local Early Learning Coalition.