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District Career & Adult Education Data Information System
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The WEDDAC Conference is a meeting for discussing topics related to the reporting of district career and technical education program data and adult general education program data. The Workforce Education District Data Advisory Council (WEDDAC) Conference occurs twice a year, in the spring and fall. District Reports Coordinators as well as WEDDAC Representatives are encouraged to attend. Meetings often include legislative and budget updates, review of upcoming data collection and reporting changes, overall data review, common reporting programs, program changes and concerns, along with other critical topics.

The purpose of these meetings is to review data issues, including legislative changes, DOE policy changes, or data quality initiatives to provide tighter controls producing better data across the system. These meetings are designed to inform, discuss, and exchange ideas pertaining to procedures, terminology, definitions, forms, and legislative changes.

WEDDAC Steering Committee

Please select to download the current WEDDAC Steering Committee.

WEDDAC Steering Committee (Excel) 

WEDDAC Documentation

Presentation packets from prior WEDDAC meetings are available upon request.