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District Career & Adult Education Data Information System
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Reports Coordinator Resources

The following resources are provided for reference by reports coordinators, and district administrators.

Chart of Reports

The Chart of Reports provides valuable guidance on the state and federal reporting cycle to assist in institutional data reporting planning.

Reporting Year 2024-25 Chart of Reports (Excel)

WDIS Survey Reports List

The WDIS Survey Reports List provides a comprehensive list of survey reports for Adult General Education programs and Postsecondary Career and Technical Education programs. This list includes the survey report number, survey report file name, survey report title and a description of the survey report. This list was created as a resource to support the agency's review of the survey reports produced by the WEDS team.

WDIS Survey Report List (Excel)

2024 Reports Coordinator Training

Reports Coordinator training is an annual meeting for both new and veteran Reports Coordinators. During the meeting, WEDS, and representatives from the Division of Career and Adult Education provide valuable information on relevant data reporting topics, such as Reports Coordinator responsibilities, district reporting databases, data submission procedures, online systems, and federal accountability, including IPEDS and NRS reporting.

Reports Coordinator Training Presentation

Reports Coordinator training is available on request. To request the most recent training materials please email the WEDS team at