Workforce Development Information System (WDIS) Archives
The District WDIS Database Handbook is for use by school districts, and offers guidance on the reporting of adult general education and postsecondary career and technical education student data in the Workforce Development Information System (WDIS).
Workforce Development Information System (WDIS) is the workforce development reporting system which uses seven different reporting formats. Each format contains specific data elements required for gathering student, teacher, and course information.
Secondary career and technical education students are reported in the K-12 reporting system, in Survey 5. However, secondary students are also reported in WDIS when they are co-enrolled in an adult general education (AGE) program or dual-enrolled in a postsecondary career and technical education program (postsecondary CTE).
The Secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) Database Handbook is for use by school districts offering guidance on reporting career and technical education student data during the year, but especially for Survey 5. It includes secondary CTE data elements, associated notes, reporting formats, edits, timelines, and supporting appendices.