2022 Statewide Correspondence
- No memos to be posted
- College Cost Savings through Industry Certification Memo – September 1st (PDF)
- Rule 6A-6.0576 Impacting Implementation of CAPE Act Memo – September 14th (PDF)
- Basic Skills Licensure Exemption List Request Memo – September 27th (PDF)
- 2022-23 Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant, Florida Space Coast Competition Memo – August 3rd (PDF)
- 2022-23 CAPE Registration Memo – August 16th (PDF)
- Implementation of Changes to the Basic Skills Requirement House Bill 3 – August 17th (PDF)
- CAPE Industry Certification Offerings for 2022-23 Survey – August 19th (PDF)
- Fall Postsecondary CTE Faculty Professional Development Opportunity – August 24th (PDF)
- PIPELINE Memo – August 30th (PDF)
- Implementation of and Workgroup Regarding Final Payment for Training Services through Individual Training Accounts Memorandum (PDF) – July 6th
- 2022-23 Florida Farmworker Career Development Program Grant Memorandum (PDF) – July 8th
- 2022-23 Adult High School Co-Enrollment Program Eligible Course List Memorandum (PDF) – July 12th
- 2022-23 Workforce Education Tuition and Fees Memorandum (PDF) – July 13th
- 2022-23 District Postsecondary Student Fee Survey Memorandum (PDF) – July 19th
- 21-22 Career-Themed Courses Registration, Final Window Memorandum (PDF) – July 22nd
- Clarification on Reporting of Integrated Education and Training Measurable Skills Gains Memorandum (PDF)– July 22nd
- Final 2022 Legislation Affecting Career Technical and Adult Education Partners Memorandum (PDF) – July 28th
- Final Report on Career Center Recommendations (PDF) – June 1st
- 2021-22 Integrated Education and Training (IET) Supplemental Data Reporting and Submission (PDF) – June 6th
- PCOG Funding Opportunity Memo 2022-23 (PDF) – June 8th
- Rules Impacted Workforce Education Programs Adopted at the State Board of Education Meeting, March 2022 Memorandum (PDF) – June 13th
- 22-23 FCDP Grant RFP Webinar Memorandum (PDF) – June 14th
- WBL Rule Announcement 2022 Memorandum (PDF) – June 20th
- 2022-2023 Perkins V CTE Equipment Upgrade and Modernization Concept Proposal Memorandum (PDF) – June 20th
- 2022-23 EET Memorandum (PDF) – May 2nd
- Rules Impacting Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning SBOE March 2022 (PDF) – May 9th
- Statewide email - New Chancellor (PDF) – April 4th
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-10.02413, Florida Administrative Code, Civic Literacy Competence (PDF) – April 7th
- Statewide email - Money Back Guarantee (PDF) – April 7th
- Gold Standards Memorandum (PDF) – April 8th
- RCP Memorandum (PDF) – April 11th
- 2021-22 Registered Career-Themed Courses Memorandum (PDF) – April 18th
- Open Door Grant Memorandum (PDF) – April 25th
- Updates on CAPE and Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certifications (PDF) – April 28th
- Memorandum - Commercial Driver’s License (PDF) – March 4th
- Memorandum - Work Based Learning (PDF) – March 7th
- Memorandum - ERAP Webinar Announcement (PDF) – March 8th
- FAQ-Adult Education Curriculum Frameworks (PDF) – March 14th
- Quarterly Adult Education Webinar (PDF) – March 21st
- Memorandum- Perkins Industry Recognized Credentials (PDF) – March 25th
- 2021-22 Career-Themed Course Registration (PDF) - 2nd Window – February 1st
- Industry Certification- Additional FTE in the 2021-22 Florida Education Finance Program, Third Calculation (PDF) – February 7th
- 2022-2023 Adult Education Funding (PDF) - February 15th
- 2022-2023 Strengthening CTE for the 21st Century (Perkins V) Grants (PDF) – February 15th
- ERAP Announcement (PDF) – February 22nd
- ERAP Concept Pitch (Excel)
- Statewide Summit on Non-Traditional Student Success (PDF) - February 24th
- Quarterly Secondary Webinar (PDF) – February 28th
- Statewide email - Integrated Education and Training (IET) Resources (PDF) - January 5th
- IET Guide (PDF)
- IET Samples (PDF)
- Statewide email - Workforce Program Inventory - Information Request (PDF) - January 13th
- Statewide email - Open Door Grant Toolkit (PDF) - January 19th
- Statewide email - Quarterly Postsecondary Recording - January 2022 (PDF) - January 25th
- Memorandum - Early College Program Information Request (PDF) - January 14th
- Statewide email - Career and Technical Education Audit Update (PDF) - January 28th
- Postsecondary CTE Audit Summary (Excel)
- Postsecondary CTE Audit Detailed (Excel)
2021 Statewide Correspondence
- Statewide email- Nursing Template (PDF) - November 12th
- Memorandum- Allocation of 2021-22 Performance-based Incentive Funds (PDF) - November 16th
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Data Submission Cycle: District Adult General Education (PDF) - November 17th
- Statewide email- National Apprenticeship Week (PDF) - November 17th
- Statewide email- Implementation of House Bill (HB) 1507 (PDF) - November 11th
- Statewide email- 2020-21 NRS Data Update (PDF) - November 8th
- Statewide email- IPDAE (Reminder) Workshops- Register for Engaging Adult Education Through IET Centered Instruction (PDF) - November 4th
- Memorandum- Paramedic Certification- November 2nd Memorandum- Paramedic Certification (PDF) - November 2nd
- Memorandum- AWS Welding Certification Updates (PDF) - November 1st
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Career-Themed Course Registration 1st Window (PDF) - October 28th
- Memorandum- Clock Hour Dual Enrollment for School and District Accountability FCS (PDF) - October 25th
- Memorandum- Clock Hour Dual Enrollment for School and District Accountability Tech Colleges (PDF) - October 25th
- Memorandum- 2021-2022 Perkins V Industry Recognized Credentials Request Process (PDF) - October 21st
- Preliminary List 2021-22 (Excel)
- Linkage Request Form (Excel)
- Memorandum- Disclosure of Student Information - October 20th (PDF)
- Governor Ron DeSantis Announces More Than $5.8 Million to Provide Workforce Education Opportunities in Rural Communities (PDF) - October 18th
- Memorandum- Program Certification Requirements for Postsecondary Automotive Service Technology (AST) Programs (PDF) - October 8th
- Memorandum- Program Certification Requirements for Secondary Automotive Service Technology (AST) Programs (PDF) - October 8th
- Memorandum- Program Certification Requirements for College Automotive Service Technology (AST) Programs (PDF) - October 8th
- Quarterly Postsecondary Webinar Registration (PDF) - October 7th
- Second Round of Funding - Registered Apprenticeship Programs Seeking Federal Apprenticeship State Expansion (ASE) Grant Dollars (PDF) - October 5th
- Memorandum- Re-Advertisement Adult Education and Family Literacy Funding (PDF) - September 30th
- Memorandum- Microsoft Office Specialist (PDF) - September 28th
- Celebrate the 1-Year Anniversary of Get There with Get There 365 (PDF) - September 27th
- Notice- Now Accepting Applications for the Open Door Grant Program (PDF) - September 27th
- Memorandum- Open Door (PDF)
- CTE Audit Year Two – Local and State Level Program Data (PDF)
- Joint Memorandum: CTE Audit Year Two-Local and State Level Program Data (PDF)
- Postsecondary CTE Audit Summary (Excel)
- Postsecondary CTE Audit Detailed (Excel)
- IPDAE- Workshops- Register for Engaging Adult Education Through IET Centered Instruction (PDF) - September 24th
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Middle School CAPE Registration (PDF) - September 21st
- Adult Education and Family Literacy Week (PDF) - September 20th
- FL DEO Feasibility Study Survey (PDF) - September 20th
- Survey Draft (PDF)
- Quarterly Secondary Webinar Presentation (PDF) - September 13th
- Second Round of Funding- Registered Apprenticeship Programs Seeking Federal Apprenticeship State Expansion (ASE) Grant Dollars (PDF) - September 8th
- Save the Date- Career Center Webinar (PDF) - September 1st
- Memorandum- Guidance on the budgeting expenditure of funding received through the Florida Career and Professional Education (CAPE) act (PDF) - August 27th
- New Teacher Webinars (PDF) - August 27th
- Memorandum - College Cost Savings (PDF) - August 25th
- College Savings 2021-2022 (Excel)
- Memorandum- 2021-2022 Basic Skills Licensure Exemption List Request Form (PDF) - August 24th
- Apply Now- Get There Faster WIOA Competitive Grants (PDF) - August 23rd
- Apprenticeship Grant (PDF) - August 23rd
- Statewide email: Legislative Round-Up (PDF) - August 22nd
- Memorandum 2021-10: Approval of New Rule 6A-20.045, Florida Administrative Code, Open Door Grant Program (PDF) - August 19th
- Memorandum- 2021-22 High School CAPE Registration (PDF) - August 19th
- Workshop Materials- Dual Enrollment Scholarship Program Rule Workshop 6A-20.0282 (PDF) - August 18th
- Postsecondary Credit for Certain Military Personnel (PDF) – August 17th
- Statewide email- Credentials of Value Updates (PDF) - August 13th
- Memorandum- 2021-2022 Strengthening CTE Education for the 21st Century Perkins V Grants (PDF) - August 13th
- Memorandum- Adults with Disabilities Needs Assessment Survey (PDF) - August 6th
- Survey (PDF)
- Statewide email- Apprenticeship Grant (PDF) - August 6th
- Statewide email- 2021-22 CAPE Postsecondary Industry Certification Funding List Recommendations & Updates (PDF) - July 28th
- Statewide email- REMINDER: Annual Submission of Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreements (PDF) - July 27th
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Dual Enrollment Agreements Memorandum (PDF) - June 1st
- Memorandum- Final Registration Window for 2020-2021 Career-Themed Courses (PDF) - July 27th
- Statewide email- Florida’s Commitment to Workforce Education Shines Bright (PDF) - July 23rd
- Statewide Email- Entrepreneurship and Apprenticeship Webinars (PDF) - July 22nd
- EET Webinar Flyer (PDF)
- PCOG Webinar Flyer (PDF)
- Statewide Email- Rule 6A-14.0303 General Education (PDF) - July 19th
- Memorandum- 2021-2022 District Postsecondary Student Fee Survey (PDF) - July 9th
- Statewide Email- Welcome to New Team Members (PDF) - July 8th
- Statewide Email- Open Door Notification (PDF) - July 8th
- Memorandum- 2021 Legislation Affecting Career and Technical Education Partners (PDF) - July 2nd
- Memorandum- FCS CTE Fall Semester Faculty Development Opportunity (PDF) - July 1st
- Statewide Email- Career and Technical Education Reporting Preconference Workshop at FACTE (PDF) - June 23rd
- Memorandum- Perkins Industry Recognized Credentials (PDF) - June 21st
- Statewide email- Division Updates (PDF) - June 17th
- Memorandum- FCS and SUS Reverse Transfer Articulation Agreement Guidance and Training (PDF) - June 16th
- Memorandum- Perkins Waiver (PDF) - June 15th
- Memorandum- IECLE Grant Monitoring Assessment (PDF) - June 15th
- Statewide email- Breaking News--Florida Currently has MORE Jobs Looking for People Than People Looking for Jobs (PDF) - June 11th
- Statewide email- Budget (PDF) - June 7th
- FY-21-22 Budget Highlights (PDF)
- 2021-22 Sector Sheet (Excel)
- Statewide email- IPDAE- 2021 Career Pathways Institute Reminder (PDF) - June 4th
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Adult High School co-enrollment (PDF) - June 3rd
- Course List (PDF)
- Memorandum- 2021-22 reporting year survey dates (PDF) - June 2nd
- 2021-22 survey date attachment (Excel)
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Dual Enrollment Agreements Memorandum (PDF) - June 1st
- Memorandum - COE CIP Update (PDF) - May 28th
- Statewide email- Quarterly Adult Education Webinar Recording (PDF) - May 19th
- Statewide email- Quarterly Adult Education Webinar Registration (PDF) - May 12th
- Memorandum-IET (PDF) - May 12th
- IET Supplemental templates (Excel)
- Statewide email- Updates to the Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Workbooks (PDF) - May 11th
- Statewide email- Reminder- Adult Education Priority Two (PDF) - May 10th
- 2021- CAPE Industry Certifications Postsecondary (PDF) - May 6th
- Statewide email- FW: EOG EO on Local COVID-19 Orders (PDF) - May 4th
- Statewide email- CTE Newsletter- Spring 2021 (PDF) - April 30th
- Memorandum - Adult Education Grant Opportunity (PDF) - April 29th
- Flyer (PDF)
- Extension of EO-20-52 (PDF) - April 28th
- Statewide email- Rule Development Workshop for Rule 6A-6.0575, clock hour dual enrollment for school and district accountability (PDF) - April 22nd
- Memorandum- Allocation of Performance-Based Incentive Funds (PDF) - April 22nd
- Statewide email- FW: Additional Grant Opportunity- Apprenticeship State Expansion Funding (PDF) - April 22nd
- Mini Grant 2 (PDF)
- Statewide email- Quarterly Secondary Webinar (PDF) - April 20th
- Memorandum Emergency Order 2021-EO-02 (PDF) - April 20th
- Grant Opportunity- Apprenticeship State Expansion Funding (PDF) - April 7th
- Mini Grant One (PDF)
- Memorandum- Rule Development Workshop for Rule 6A-6.0575, clock hour dual enrollment for school and district accountability (PDF) - April 6th
- Department of Health Emergency Orders (EO) and CTE Health Science Programs (PDF) – April 4th
- Statewide email- CNA & Dental Hygiene Examinations (PDF) - April 2nd
- Filed DOH Emergency Order (PDF)
- Department of Health Emergency Orders (EO) and CTE Health Science Programs (PDF) - April 4th
- Memorandum- FCS and SUS Statewide Reverse Transfer Articulation Agreement (PDF) - April 1st
- Statewide email - Governor Ron DeSantis Signs SB 72 – Civil Liability for Damages Relating to COVID-19 (PDF) – March 30th
- Senate Bill 72 (PDF)
- Statewide email- The Future of Cloud Computing in the Workforce webinar recording (PDF) – March 30th
- Memorandum- 2021-22 Appendix FF (PDF) – March 30th
- FCS CTE Faculty Development Opportunity (PDF) - March 26th
- 2020 Economic Security Report Summary (PDF) - March 26th
- ICYMI: Governor DeSantis Announces a Proposed $75 Million to Invest in Two New Get There Faster Initiatives (PDF) - March 23rd
- Statewide email- Rapid Response Toolkit (PDF) - March 20th
- Memorandum- CIP Updates for the 2021-22 Reporting Year (PDF) - March 17th
- CIP Codes (Excel)
- Statewide email- The Future of Cloud Computing in the Workforce Webinar (PDF) - March 15th
- Statewide email- Quarterly Adult Education Webinar Recording- March 10th (PDF) - March 10th
- Memorandum- 2020-21 Perkins Roll Forward (PDF) - March 5th
- 2021- Secondary (PDF)
- 2021- Post Secondary CRF (PDF)
- 2021- Postsecondary DRF (PDF)
- Memorandum- 2021-22 CAPE Industry Funding List (PDF) - March 4th
- Attachment 1- 2021-22 Preliminary Industry Certification Funding List (PDF)
- Attachment 2- 2021-22 CareerSource Florida Recommendations (PDF)
- Attachment 3- 2021-22 CareerSource Florida Recommendations that are Eligible for Request (PDF)
- Attachment 4- 2021-22 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List Request Form (Excel)
- Statewide email- Executive Order 20-52 (PDF) - March 3rd
- Department of Health Emergency Orders (EO) and CTE Health Science Programs (PDF) – February 26
- Statewide email- DCAE Postsecondary Webinar Recording (PDF) - February 23rd
- Postsecondary slide show (PDF)
- Memorandum- Work-based Learning Data Survey (PDF) - February 18th
- Memorandum- Career-Themed Course Registration 2nd window (PDF) - February 3rd
- Memorandum- 2020-21 Perkins Industry Recognized PS Credentials (PDF) - February 2nd
- Memorandum- 2020-21 Appendix FF (PDF) - February 1st
- DCAE Statewide Correspondence (PDF) - February 1st
- Statewide email - DCAE Quarterly Secondary Webinar Recording (PDF) - January 28th
- Memorandum- Industry Certification- Additional FTE in the 2020-21 Florida Education Finance Program, third calculation (PDF) - January 27th
- Memorandum- Industry Certification- Additional FTE in the 2020-21 Florida Education Finance Program, third calculation (PDF) – January 27th
- Statewide email- COVID Flexibility for Basic Skills Exit Requirements- URGENT (PDF) – January 25th
- Statewide email- Spring CTE Webinars (PDF) - January 22nd
- Statewide email- CTE Audit Results Webinar (PDF) - January 19th
- Statewide email- Accepting Applications for USF's Online MA in CTE & Ph.D. in CWE programs (PDF) – January 15th
- Statewide email- CBYX Addended Memorandum Request (PDF) - January 15th
- Statewide email- OCTAE Advancing Innovation in Adult Education Invitation to Apply (PDF) - January 7th
- AI Recruitment Flyer (PDF)
2020 Statewide Correspondence
- Department of Health Emergency Orders (EO) and CTE Health Science Programs (PDF) - December 30th
- Deadline Extended- Call for Presenters (PDF) - December 16th
- 2020-2028 Industry and Occupational Projections (PDF) - December 16th
- New Resources for Get There now available (PDF) - December 11th
- Memorandum- 2021 Congress- Bundestag Youth Exchange Vocational (PDF) – December 11th
- Statewide email - New Program Request Forms for Postsecondary CTE Programs (PDF) - December 9th
- Statewide email - Updated FDOH & CDC Self-Isolation Guidance (PDF) - December 8th
- Statewide email - Webinar Series on Supporting College Access and Success for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (PDF) - November 20th
- College Matters Flyer (PDF)
- Memorandum - Allocation of postsecondary performance-based incentive funds for industry certification (PDF) - November 20th
- Statewide email- 2020 6-Digit Federal CIP Transition Webinar (PDF) - November 19th
- CIP Review Presentation (PDF)
- Statewide email –CTE Resources (PDF) - November 17th
- Statewide email- Quarterly Postsecondary Webinar Recording (PDF) - November 16th
- Statewide email - Final District CIP Review Workbook and Instructions (PDF) - November 10th
- Statewide email - Florida College System CIP Review (PDF) - November 10th
- College CIP Review Workbook (Excel)
- Instructions for College Workbook (PDF)
- Statewide email- FACTE Conference (PDF) – November 9th
- Conference Agenda (PDF)
- How to register (PDF)
- Statewide email- Apprenticeship Grant (PDF) - November 6th
- Pathways Flyer (PDF)
- A New Apprentice Florida Resource for You (PDF)
- Annual Report 2019-2020 (PDF)
- Statewide email - Executive Order 20-52 (PDF) - November 4th
- Statewide email – Quarterly Postsecondary webinar registration (PDF) – November 4th
- Memorandum- 2020-21 Appendix Y Memorandum (PDF) – October 22th
- 2020-21 Final Appendix Y (Excel)
- FCS Councils Meeting (PDF) - October 16th
- Statewide email- Entrepreneurship Grant Q&A (PDF) – October 15th
- 2020-21 Career-Themed Course Registration 1st window (PDF) - October 15th
- Request for Information on Industry Certification Reporting (PDF) - October 12th
- Memorandum- Perkins V-DJJ Funding Opportunities (PDF) - October 12th
- Statewide email- Office of Articulation Update (PDF) - October 9th
- 2020-21 Data Submission Cycle Adult Directors (PDF) - October 8th
- 2020-21 Data Submission Cycle Secondary (PDF) - October 8th
- 2020-21 Data Submission Cycle FCS Adult Directors (PDF) - October 8th
- 2020-21 Data Submission Cycle FCS Workforce (PDF) - October 8th
- 2020-21 Data Submission Cycle Postsecondary (PDF) – October 8th
- 2020-21 Data Submission Cycle- CBOS (PDF) - October 8th
- Statewide email- Grant for Expanding Entrepreneurship Education & Training (PDF) - October 7th
- Statewide email- Webinar Invitation (PDF) – October 6th
- Statewide email- U.S. Department of Education Launches 2020 Catalyzing Career & Technical Education Competition (PDF) - October 5th
- Statewide email- 2020-21 District Workforce Education Summary (PDF) - October 2nd
- Memorandum- DCAE 2020-21 Appendix Y High School CAPE Academy Registration (PDF) - October 2nd
- 2020-21 Appendix Y (PDF)
- Statewide email- OCTAE Connection Flash Edition (PDF) - October 1st
- Statewide email- CTE Mission- CubeSat Proposals due October 16 (PDF) - September 30th
- Statewide email - New Webinar Series Starting for CTE Educators (PDF) - September 30th
- Statewide email - State Board of Education (PDF) - September 30th
- Memorandum- Executive Order 20-244 (Phase 3- Right to Work, Business Certainty, Suspension of Fines.) (PDF) - September 28th
- Memorandum- Final 2019-20 Appendix FF (PDF) - September 25th
- Memorandum- AGE Instructional Hours Reporting Procedures (PDF) - September 25th
- Statewide email - Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Get There Florida Workforce Education Initiative (PDF) - September 24th
- Quarterly Secondary Webinar Recording (PDF) - September 23rd
- GET THERE - Florida's Workforce Education Initiative Unveiled (PDF) - September 23rd
- DCAE Bi-weekly Correspondence (PDF) - September 23rd
- Statewide email - REMINDER: Entrepreneurship Education and Training Grant Webinars (PDF) - September 22nd
- Perkins Flyer (PDF)
- Statewide email- U.S. Presidential Scholars Student Nominations (PDF) - September 21st
- Statewide email-Rural Tech Project Proposals Due October 8th (PDF) – September 18th
- Statewide email- Announcement- Entrepreneurship Education and Training Grant (PDF) - September 17th
- Perkins Flyer (PDF)
- Statewide email- Quarterly Postsecondary Webinar Recording (PDF) - September 17th
- Postsecondary Webinar (PDF)
- Statewide email- Update to FDOE Emergency Buddy Reporting for COVID-19 (PDF) – September 17
- Quarterly Secondary Webinar Registration (PDF) - September 16th
- Memorandum- 2020-21 CAPE Academy Registration Middle School (PDF) – September 16
- Statewide email- CareerSource Florida will accept CAPE applications through September 25 (PDF) – September 15
- Statewide email- Postsecondary Webinar Registration (PDF) – September 9th
- Statewide email- Annual CTE Instructor Day One Vacancy Survey (PDF) – September 8th
- Statewide email- Executive Order 20-52 (PDF) - September 8th
- DCAE Bi-weekly Statewide Correspondence (PDF) - September 2
- Statewide Memorandum- 2020-21 CAPE Academy Registration (PDF) – August 31
- Statewide email- Quarterly Adult Education Webinar Registration (PDF) - August 27
- Statewide email- Clarification of Flexibility for Basic Skills (PDF) - August 27
- Statewide email- Update Health Sciences Provisions (PDF) - August 26
- Memorandum- Bi-weekly Correspondence (PDF) – August 26
- Statewide email- Cybersecurity Forum Opportunity (PDF) - August 26
- Memorandum- Public GED Testing Center Survey (PDF) - August 25
- Statewide email- Get CDC and other expert insights in contact tracking (PDF) - August 24
- Memorandum- Senate Bill 434 Technical Colleges (PDF) – August 21
- Memorandum- Senate Bill 434- FCS Institutions (PDF) - August 21
- Statewide email- COVIDSTOPSWITHME Toolkit (PDF) – August 21
- Statewide email- New national CTE challenge to bring space missions to high school students (PDF) - August 19
- Statewide email - Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators (PDF) - August 19th
- Memorandum- Transcript Transfers Using the FASTER System (PDF) – August 13
- Memorandum- Update on Career Planning and Advisement Platform (PDF) - August 12
- Statewide email - Back to School Webinar Announcement (PDF) – August 11
- Memorandum- 2020-21 Postsecondary CTE and Audit General Education Reporting Requirements Changes for School Districts (PDF) - August 11
- Statewide email - Cape Zero to Hero Webinar for August 12 (PDF) - July 27
- Memo - Guidance on the Remote Testing for NRS Approved Assessments (PDF) – July 24
- Statewide email - Quarterly Secondary Webinar Registration (PDF) – July 24
- Statewide email – Quarterly Secondary Webinar Recording (PDF) – July 30
- Memo – 2020-21 Workforce Tuition and Fees (PDF) - July 30
- Statewide email - CAPE Updates (PDF) July 31
- Statewide email – Now accepting CAPE Industry Certification Applications (PDF) - July 22
- Memo- CTE Professional Development Opportunity (PDF) - July 15
- Flyer – CTE Professional Development Opportunity (PDF)
- Webinars - Social (JPG)
- Webinars - Twitter (JPG)
- Statewide email – FAQ for Building K-12 CTE Infrastructure Grant (PDF) - July 16
- Statewide email – 2020-2021 Adult High School Co-Enrollment Information (PDF) - July 7
- Statewide email – Extension of Executive Order 20-52 (PDF) - July 7
- Statewide email- Reopening K-12 Schools (PDF) - July 7
- DOE Order No. 2020-EO-06 (PDF)
- Executive Order Webinar (PDF)
- Statewide email: Cluster Infographics (PDF) – July 6
- Statewide email: Rural Innovation Grant & Workforce Education Related Bills & Budget (PDF) - July 2
- Statewide email: Notice of CAPE Rule Workshop (PDF) - July 1
- Statewide email: Quarterly Adult Education Webinar Recording (PDF) - July 1
- Memo: Biweekly Correspondence (PDF) - June 29
- Memo: Microsoft Office Specialist Credentials (PDF) – June 29
- Memo: Instructions for Establishing Postsecondary Perkins V Local Performance Targets (PDF) - June 30
- Memo: Instructions for Establishing Secondary Perkins V Local Performance Targets (PDF) – June 30
- Memo: CTE Instructor Vacancies and Needs Identified Through Survey (PDF) - June 25
- Statewide email: Quarterly Adult Education Webinar Registration (PDF) – June 25
- Statewide email: Awaiting Limited Access & General Freshman (PDF) - June 19
- Statewide email: Recommendations to Safely Reopen Florida’s Education System (PDF) – June 22
- DCAE B-weekly Statewide Correspondence (PDF) - June 16
- Memo: CARES ACT Grant Announcement Memo (PDF) - June 15
- Memo: CARES ACT Grant Announcement Memo Rapid Credentialing (PDF) – June 15
- Memo: New CAPE Digital Tool Certificates and Industry Certifications (PDF) – June 15
- Statewide email- Recommendations to Safely Reopen Florida’s Education System (CTE Copy) (PDF) – June 12
- Statewide email-Recommendations to Safely Reopen Florida’s Education System (PDF) - June 12
- Statewide email: IMPORTANT: Reopening & CARES Act Plan (PDF) - June 11th
- Statewide email: DOH Emergency Orders and CTE Health Science Programs (PDF) - June 10th
- Memo: Guidance on the Reporting of Initial Functioning Level for Newly Enrolled Adult Education Students (PDF) – June 9
- Statewide email: Personnel Updates (PDF) - June 9
- Memo: Project Fiscal to Performance Waiver Request Approvals (PDF) – June 5
- Statewide email: Executive Order 20-139 (PDF) - June 3
- Memo: 2020-2021 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century (Perkins V) Grants Posted on the Web and Webinar Scheduled to Review Submission Requirements (PDF) - May 29
- Memo: 2020-2021 Adult Education Grants Posted on the Division’s Website/Webinar Scheduled to Review Submission Requirements (PDF) - May 29
- Statewide email: 2020-21 Reporting Year Survey Dates and Number of Instructional Days in the Survey Windows and Potential 2019-20 Survey Date Adjustments Due to COVID-19 (PDF) - May 21
- Memo: 2020-21 Survey Date Memo (PDF)
- 2020-21 Survey Date Attachment (Excel)
- 2019-20 Survey Date Attachment (Word)
- Statewide email: Clarification on Emergency Order Pertaining to Industry Certifications (PDF) - May 18
- Memo: Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) Labor Market Alignment for Agriculture-Related Programs (PDF) - May 7
2019 Statewide Memorandums
- Memo: NRS Data Collection Updates (PDF) - November 26
- DPS-2019-125 - 2019-20 Workforce Education Tuition and Fees Memo (PDF) - September 13
- Memo: Implementation Memo on SB 7098 and HB 7099 - Waivers and Exemptions (PDF) – August 19
- DPS-2019-126 - 2018 Economic Security Report Summary (PDF) – August 9
- Memo: College Cost Savings through Industry Certification - Parent Notification (PDF) – August 5
- Memo: Implementation of HB 7071 (PDF) – July 29
- Memo: 2019 Legislative Changes to Dual Enrollment and Career Pathways (PDF) – July 3
American Welding Society (AWS) Industry Certifications 2018-19 Reporting for Postsecondary Programs (PDF) – March 29
2018 Statewide Memorandums
- DPS-2018-58 House Bill 495 Section 3 Computer Science and Technology Instruction (PDF) – June 1
- DPS-2018-58 Attachment A (PDF)
- DPS-2018-58 Attachment A (Excel)
- Memo: Standardized Assessment Waiver, Diploma Code (PDF) – January 30
2017 Statewide Memorandums
- Technical Assistance Paper: Adult General Education Instructional Hours Reporting Procedures (PDF) – August 4
- 2017-2018 Perkins IV Technical Skill Attainment Window (PDF) - May 19
- Fee Exemption for Welfare Transition Students (PDF) – March 28
- Available Summer Training for Florida Automotive Instructors (PDF) – March 23
- DPS-2017-26 Course and CTE Programs that Include the New Computer Science Standards for the 2017-2018 School Year
2016 Statewide Memorandums
- Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program Grants - Request for Proposals (PDF) - November 30
- Grant Proposal Cover Page (Word)
- Institution Commitment Form (Word)
Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholars Award (PDF) - October 12
- New Laws Impacting Child Care Programs Including Those in Public Schools (PDF) – July 12
- Adult General Education for Adults with Disabilities Program and the Vocational Rehabilitation Adults with Disabilities Grant (PDF) – July 18
- House Bill 7029 Statutory Revisions (PDF) - July 18
- 2016-2017 Adult High School Co-Enrollment Program Eligible Course List (PDF) – July 22
- Career Dual Enrollment with Career Centers and Charter Technical Career Centers – July 22
- Implementation of 2016 Legislation Affecting State Programs (PDF) – June 16
- Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program Act (FPCTP) (PDF) – June 21
- Legislation Impacting Active Duty and Veteran Members of the Armed Forces (PDF) – June 21
2016-2017 Assessment Policies (PDF) – March 30
2015 Statewide Memorandums
- Licensed Practical Nurse Teaching Certified Nursing Assistant Students (PDF) – November 17
2014 Statewide Memorandums
- Perkins IV 2012-13 Local Level Data Review (PDF) - January 7
- Perkins IV 2012-13 Local Level Data Review (PDF) - January 7
- Industry Certification - Additional FTE in the 2013-14 Florida Education Finance Program, Third Calculation (PDF) - January 16
- Save the Date: CTE Academic Alignment Workshop and NG-CATER Professional Development (PDF) - January 27
- Online MA Program in CTE at USF (PDF) - January 29
- Industry Certification - Additional FTE in the 2013-14 Florida Education Finance Program, Third Calculation Updated Files (PDF) - February 4
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) Academic Alignment Workshop (PDF) - February 11
- 2014 Next Generation Career and Technical Education Reading (NG CATER) Workshop (PDF) - February 24
- Perkins IV 2012-13 Local Level Data Review Revised (PDF) - March 19
- Allocation of performance-based incentive funds from Specific Appropriation 115 from the 2013 General Appropriations Act (GAA) (PDF) - March 28
- Available Summer Training for Florida Automotive Instructors (PDF) - March 31
- Reviewer Registration for Competitive Grants for Secondary Career and Technical Education Programs for Department of Juvenile Justice Students (PDF) - April 14
- Reviewer Registration for Adult Education and Family Literacy Competitive Grants (PDF) - April 14
- State-established Cut Scores for National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) Assessments for the 2013-2014 Reporting Year
- 2014-15 Adult General Education Reporting Requirements Changes - Florida College System Institutions (PDF) - April 23
- 2014-15 Adult General Education Reporting Requirements Changes- School Districts
- Industry Certification - Additional FTE in the 2013-14 Florida Education Finance Program, Fourth Calculation (PDF) - April 30
- Criminal Justice Operations Professional Development Workshop (PDF) - May 1
- Career Pathways Request from U.S. Department of Education - May 6
- Survey for ABE Professional Development - May 19
- Final Allocation of Performance-Based Incentive Funds - May 27
- Postsecondary Workforce Education Student Information System Pilot (PDF) - June 10
- Rule Development Workshops (PDF) - June 19
- 2014-15 Postsecondary Career and Technical Education and Adult General Education Reporting Requirements Changes- School Districts (PDF) - June 25
- Attachment 1: Reporting Changes 2014-15
- Allocation of Funds in Specific Appropriation 115, 2013-14 (PDF) - June 27
- 2014-15 Workforce Education Tuition and Fees (PDF) - June 27
- 2014-15 Postsecondary Career and Technical Education and Adult General Education Reporting Requirements Changes- Colleges (PDF) - July 8
- Notification regarding the removal of certifications from the recommended funding lists for 2014-15 (PDF)
- Revisions to Rule 6A-6.0573 (PDF) - July 16
- Re-advertisement of 2014-2015 Adult Education Funding Conference Call (PDF) - July 21
2012 Statewide Memorandums
- 2012-2013 Industry Certification Recommendations and Instructional Hours (PDF, 39KB) - June 15
- 2012-13 Workforce Education Tuition and Fees (PDF, 56KB) - May 29
- Professional Development Survey for 2012-2013 (PDF, 99KB) - May 25
- Changes in Approved Assessments for NRS Reporting (PDF, 53KB) - May 23
- 2012-2013 Carl D. Perkins Revised Allocations (PDF, 31KB) - May 21
- Mentor Nominations for the Race to the Top (RTTT) CTE Mentor/Mentee Program (PDF, 239KB) - May 18
- Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Program Length (PDF, 29KB) - May 14
- Perkins IV Mid-Reauthorization Stakeholder Review (PDF, 80KB) - May 7
- Perkins IV Technical Skill Attainment Window (PDF, 52KB) - April 30
- Attachment 1: Directions for Completing the 2012-2013 Technical Skill Attainment Request Form (PDF, 36KB)
- Attachment 2: Evaluation Instrument Request form for 2012-13 Final Inventories (Excel, 490KB) *corrected May 8th
- Use of Equipment Purchased with Perkins Funds (PDF, 42KB)- April 16
- Postsecondary CTE Directors and Deans Bi-monthly Conference Call - CANCELLED (PDF, 95KB) - April 13
- Adult Education Directors Bi-monthly Conference Call - CANCELLED (PDF, 96KB) - April 13
- Career and Technical Education Director's Meeting at Mid-Florida Technical Center Reminder (PDF, 93KB) - April 13
- Adult Education Director's Meeting at Mid-Florida Technical Center Reminder (PDF, 92KB) - April 13
- State-established Cut Scores for National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) Assessments for the 2011-2012 Reporting Year (PDF, 47KB) - April 6
- 2011-12 Career and Professional Academy Enrollment Reports (PDF, 49KB) - April 3
- Available Summer Training for Florida Automotive Instructors (PDF, 80KB) - April 2
- 2012-13 District Workforce Performance Funding Allocations Summary Report (PDF, 87KB) - March 28
- Race to the TOP (RTTT): Grant Deliverables Tracking Process (PDF, 21KB) - March 26
- Bi-monthly Conference Call for Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Coordinators - Reminder and Agenda (PDF, 92KB) - March 23
- 2012 Next Generation Career and Technical Education Reading (NGCATER) Workshop (PDF, 36KB) - March 21
- NGCATER Workshop Registration Form (PDF, 26KB)
- Reporting New Highest Credential/Level of Schooling Data for 2012-13 (PDF, 34KB) - March 21
- Clarification on Reporting of Select Industry Certifications for 2011-12 and 2012-13 (PDF, 42KB) - March 19
- Bi-monthly Secondary CTE Directors' Conference Call Agenda (PDF, 39KB) - March 16
- Bi-monthly Secondary CTE Directors' Conference Call - Reminder & Call for Agenda Items (PDF, 92KB) - March 8
- Adult Education Directors Spring Meeting Agenda (PDF, 11KB) - March 7
- 2011-2012 Restored Continuing Resolution Funds (PDF, 30KB) - March 6
- Career and Technical Education Directors Meeting (PDF, 28KB) - March 6
- Attachment: CTE Directors Meeting Agenda (PDF, 10KB)
- Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 43KB) - March 5
- Attachment 1: 2012-13 Preliminary Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 73KB)
- Attachment 2: 2012-13 Comprehensive Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 466KB)
- Attachment 3: List of certifications on the 2012-13 Comprehensive Industry Certification List that are not included on the preliminary list (PDF, 129KB)
- Attachment 4: List of secondary and clock-hour postsecondary programs (PDF, 132KB)
- Attachment 5: Industry Certifications from the "2011-12 Industry Certification Funding List" that are not eligible for inclusion on the "2012-13 Industry Certification Funding List" (PDF, 72KB)
- 2012-2013 Florida Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Funding Opportunity (PDF, 54KB) - March 5
- Appointment of Chancellor for DCAE (PDF, 30KB) - March 5
- Contractual Service Agreement Technical Assistance Conference Call (PDF, 35KB) - March 5
- Adult Education Deans and Directors Meeting (PDF, 42KB) - February 27
- Career Academy Technical Assistance (PDF, 43KB) - February 24
- Adult Education Bi-monthly Conference Call - Reminder and Agenda (PDF, 99KB) - February 24
- Career and Technical Education Directors Meeting (PDF, 42KB) - February 24
- Postsecondary CTE Directors and Deans Bi-monthly Conference Call - Reminder and Agenda (PDF, 78KB) - February 10
- University of South Florida (USF)-Online MA Program in CTE & Local Director Certification (PDF, 116KB) - February 2
- Bi-monthly Secondary CTE Directors' Conference Call - Reminder & Agenda (PDF, 78KB) - January 27
- Bi-monthly Conference Call for Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Coordinators -Reminder & Agenda (PDF, 99KB) - January 19
- New NRS Data Collection and Reporting Requirements for 2012-13 (Colleges) (PDF, 79KB) - January 19
- New NRS Data Collection and Reporting Requirements for 2012-13 (Districts) (PDF, 80KB) - January 19
- 2011-2012 Tuition Revenue Estimate for Adult General Education (PDF, 60KB) - January 17
- 2012-13 District Performance Funding Calculation (Time-Sensitive) (PDF, 78KB) - January 11
- 2012 Bi-monthly Conference Call Schedule Memorandum (Updated) (PDF, 87KB) - January 5
- 2011-12 High School Career and Professional Academy Enrollment Reports (PDF, 57KB) - January 4
- Attachment 1: 2011-12 Registered High School Career and Professional Academies with enrollment reported (Nov. 2011) (PDF, 1MB)
- Attachment 2: 2011-12 Registered High School Career and Professional Academies without any student enrollment (Nov. 2011) (PDF, 298KB)
- Attachment 3: Florida Career and Professional Education Act Technical Assistance Paper (updated March 2010) (PDF, 585KB)
- Industry Certification - Additional FTE in the 2011-12 Florida Education Finance Program, 3rd Calculation (PDF, 77KB) - January 3
- Industry Certification Data Reporting (PDF, 71KB) - January 3
- Perkins IV 2010-2011 Local Level Data Review (PDF, 52KB) - January 3
2011 Statewide Memorandums
- Deadline for Submission of Technical Skill Attainment Assessment Data for Inclusion in 2010-11 Perkins Accountability Calculations (PDF, 43KB) – September 30
- Program Income (PDF, 75KB) – September 26
- Equally Rigorous Science Course List (PDF, 49KB) – September 23
- Short survey on Effect of Adult General Education Tuition & Fees Implementation Policies (PDF, 87KB) – September 22
- Professional Development Opportunities (PDF, 45KB) – September 22
- 2011-2012 Career and Professional Academy Middle School Registration (PDF, 57KB) – September 16
- Two New Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs Approved for 2011-2012 (PDF, 42KB) – September 16
- Access to Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) Reports - Florida Colleges (PDF, 55KB) – September 13
- Access to Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) Reports - Postsecondary (PDF, 55KB) – September 13
- Access to Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) Reports - Secondary (PDF, 53KB) – September 13
- Microsoft Office Bundle Certifications (PDF, 82KB) – September 13
- Registered 2011-12 High School Career and Professional Academies (PDF, 49KB) – September 12
- 2011 Legislative Changes to Florida Statutes 1012.39 - Employment of Nondegreed Teachers of Career Education (PDF, 65KB) – September 9
- "Save the Date" - Statewide Directors Meetings (PDF, 108KB) – September 6
- New Requirements for Federal IPEDS Reporting of Vocational/Technical Program Completions and Enrollments (PDF, 46KB) – September 2
- Changes to NGCAR-PD and NGCATER (PDF, 49KB) – August 31
- College Instructor Program (PDF, 49KB) – August 30
- Attachment: College Instructor Program Flyer (PDF, 234KB)
- Postsecondary Teacher and Administrator Programs (PDF, 50KB) – August 30
- 2012-13 Changes to the National Reporting System (PDF, 47KB) – August 29
- Attachment: Discussion of NRS Revisions (PDF, 139KB)
- 2011-12 Industry Certification Funding List- DRAFT (PDF, 123KB) – August 19
- Open Submission Period - Career and Professional Education Act [CAPE] Certifications for 2012-13 (PDF, 151KB) – August 17
- 2011-12 District Postsecondary Student Fee Survey (PDF, 77KB) – August 12
- Reviewer Registration for Adult Education and Family Literacy, State Leadership, Adult Education Career Pathways Professional Development Competitive Grant (PDF, 49KB) – August 8
- Readvertisement -2011-2012 Adult Education Funding Conference Call (PDF, 46KB) – August 5
- 2011-2012 State Leadership, Adult Education Career Pathways Professional Development Competitive Funding Availability and Conference Call (PDF, 45KB) – July 29
- 2011-2012 Targeted Occupations List (PDF, 81KB) – July 27
- Perkins IV Technical Skill Attainment Request Window (PDF, 65KB) – July 22
- House Bill 1255 and Senate Bill 2120 Legislative Changes Regarding Career and Technical Education (PDF, 143KB) – July 21
- Adult High School Co-enrollment Program (PDF, 75KB) – July 18
- 2011-2012 Career and Professional Academy Registration (PDF, 63KB) – July 15
- Attachment 1: Registration Instructional PowerPoint (PDF, 540KB)
- Attachment 2: A Quick Registration Guide (PDF, 92KB)
- Adult Education Competitive Application Process (PDF, 43KB) – July 7
- Higher Education Coordinating Council Stakeholder Survey (PDF, 127KB) – July 6
- Licensed Dental Hygienist - Perform Remediable Tasks in Health Access Setting (PDF, 48KB) – June 30
- 2011-12 District Workforce Performance Funding Allocations Report (PDF, 35KB) – June 24
- URGENT: Instructional Hours for the 2011-12 Industry Certification Funding List (FINAL) - Time Sensitive (PDF, 153KB) - June 24 (PDF, 153KB) – June 24
- 2011 Florida Statutory Changes for Adult General Education (AGE) (PDF, 50KB) – June 20
- Instructional Hours Calculation for the Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 122KB) – June 14
- Rule Development Workshop for Rule 6A-6.0573, Industry Certification Process (via conference call) (PDF, 37KB) – June 7
- Instructions for Establishing 2011-2012 Perkins IV Local Performance Targets and Program Improvement Plan Development (POSTSECONDARY) (PDF, 71KB) – June 3
- Attachment: Requests for Negotiation (PDF, 54KB)
- Attachment: Online PIP Sample Document (PDF, 91KB)
- Instructions for Establishing 2011-2012 Perkins IV Local Performance Targets and Program Improvement Plan Development (SECONDARY) (PDF, 72KB) – June 3
- Attachment: Requests for Negotiation (PDF, 54KB)
- Attachment: Online PIP Sample Document (PDF, 91KB)
- Professional Development Opportunities for 2011-2012 (PDF, 37KB) – June 2
- Reviewer Registration for Competitive Grants for Secondary CTE Programs for Department of Juvenile Justice Students (PDF, 35KB) – June 1
- FACTE Post-Conference - Next Generation CTE Reading (NG CATER) Content Area Professional Development (PDF, 59KB) – June 1
- Secondary Biotechnology Program Teacher Certification (PDF, 94KB) – June 1
- 2011-12 Workforce Education Tuition and Fees (PDF, 75KB) – June 1
- Attachment: Workforce Education Tuition and Fees (PDF, 63KB)
- Photoshop CS5 Virtual Workshop (PDF, 32KB) – May 16
- Florida Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Interim Director Announcement (PDF, 42KB) – May 13
- Reviewer Registration for Adult Education and Family Literacy Competitive Grants (PDF, 44KB) – May 13
- Conference Call for Adult General Education Policies - Residency for Tuition Purposes (PDF, 87KB) – May 13
- Adult General Education - Tuition and Fees - Questions and Answers (PDF, 76KB) – May 11
- 2010-11 Data Reporting for the Florida Career and Professional Education Act (PDF, 49KB) – May 11
- NGCAR-PD Train-the-Trainer Opportunity and FACTE Post-Conference NG-CATER Professional Development (PDF, 67KB) – May 9
- Statewide Conference Call on Legislative Changes for State Adult General Education Programs (PDF, 52KB) – May 6
- Perkins IV Mid-Reauthorization Stakeholder Review (PDF, 58KB) – May 5
- 2011-12 District Workforce Allocations - Conference Report for SB 2000 (PDF, 76KB) – May 4
- 2010-11 Career and Professional Academy Enrollment Reports (PDF, 42KB) – May 3
- 2011-2012 Adult Education Funding Conference Calls (PDF, 37KB) – April 25
- Computer-Based Testing for the GED – Workshops in June (PDF, 105KB) – April 15
- Readvertisement for Grants for Building an Adult Education Career Pathways System for Transitioning to Postsecondary Education, Request for Proposals (PDF, 36KB) – April 14
- Reminder of the Industry Certification Instructional Hours Survey Due Date (PDF, 92KB) – April 14
- State-established scores for National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) assessments for the 2010-2011 Reporting Year (PDF, 51KB)
- Attachment: NOCTI State-established Scores Policy (PDF, 111KB) – April 11
- Gold Standard Career Pathways Industry Certification Articulation (PDF, 33KB) – April 8
- Conference Call on Potential Changes to Adult High School Co-enrolled Program (PDF, 127KB)
- Attachment: 2009-10 District Adult High School Co-Enrolled Program Enrollment Summary (PDF, 21KB) – April 6
- Clarification on Industry Certification Instructional Hours Survey Response (PDF, 84KB) – March 30
- Attachment: Instructional Hours Survey (PDF, 1MB)
- Available Summer Training for Automotive Instructors (PDF, 75KB) – March 22
- 2011-12 Targeted Occupations (PDF, 68KB) – March 16
- Attachment 1: Targeted Occupations spreadsheet (PDF, 43KB)
- Attachment 2: Notice of Targeted Occupations List (PDF, 123KB)
- Learning to Achieve Institute on Learning Disabilities (PDF, 37KB) – March 16
- 2011-12 Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 136KB) – March 15
- Attachment 1: Non-CAPE Certifications (PDF, 169KB)
- Attachment 2: Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 95KB)
- Attachment 3: Secondary and Postsecondary Programs (PDF, 206KB)
- Adult General Education Block Tuition - SURVEY (PDF, 53KB) – March 4
- Summary of the District Adult High School Co-Enrollment Policies survey (PDF, 71KB) – March 1
- 2010-11 Performance-Based Incentives Calculation Data Review (PDF, 78KB) – February 15
- Attachment 1: 2009-10 District Performance Data (PDF, 229KB)
- Attachment 2: Detailed Business Rules (PDF, 86KB)
- 2009-10 Tuition Revenue Reported for 2009-10 (PDF, 53KB) – February 15
- Revenue Analysis 2009-10 (PDF, 157KB)
- Industry Certification - Additional FTE in the 2010-11 Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) Calculation (PDF, 55KB) - February 8
- 2011 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Spring Professional Development Institute - February 4 (PDF)
- 2009-2010 Basic Grant Roll Forward Funds (PDF, 44KB)
- Grants for Building an Adult Education Career Pathways System for Transitioning to Postsecondary Education, Request for Proposals and Conference Call for Potential Applicants (PDF) – January 5
- CTE Day on the Hill - February 17, 2011 (PDF, 62KB)
- Information from Superintendents Meeting (PDF, 59KB)
- Attachment: Presentation to Superintendents (PDF, 470KB)
- 2011 Bi-Monthly Conference Call Schedule (PDF, 56KB)
- New Florida GED Web Address (PDF, 67KB)
- Reviewer Registration for Adult Education Career Pathways Competitive Grants (PDF, 35KB)
- Summary – OPPAGA Workforce Reports (PDF, 47KB)
2010 Statewide Correspondence
- 2011 Congress-Bundestag Vocational Exchange Scholarship (PDF) (November 30)
- Scholarship Announcement (PDF)
- OPPAGA Draft Report on Workforce Education Programs (PDF, 71KB) (November 29)
- Perkins IV Technical Skill Attainment Request Window (PDF, 41KB) (November 8)
- Perkins IV Final 2010-2011 Technical Skill Attainment Inventory (PDF, 50KB) (November 2)
- COE (Council on Occupational Education) Matrix New Layout (PDF, 41KB) (October 29)
- 2010-2011 COE Matrix (Excel, 268KB)
- 2011-2012 Change Document (PDF, 41KB) (October 29)
- Electronics Engineering Technology AAS/AS Framework Update (PDF, 30KB) (October 27)
- Attachment – Curriculum Framework Update (PDF, 106KB)
- OPPAGA Meeting Preliminary Findings (Workforce Education Merger) (PDF, 53KB) (October 19)
- Postsecondary Teacher and Administrator Programs (PDF, 34KB) (October 15)
- National Reporting System (NRS) Issue Papers (PDF, 109KB) (October 12)
- Attachment 1 – Identifying Learner Cohorts for Employment Related Outcomes (PDF, 165KB)
- Attachment 2 – Identifying Learner Cohorts for Postsecondary Education Follow-up (PDF, 170KB)
- Attachment 3 – Identifying Learner Cohorts for Secondary School Credential Follow-up (PDF, 155KB)
- Attachment 4 – Refining NRS Outcome Measurement for GED Prep Students (PDF, 220KB)
- Attachment 5 – Teacher Educational Attainment, Experience, and Credentials (PDF, 145KB)
- Attachment 6 – Student Educational Attainment (PDF, 105KB)
- 2009-10 Industry Certification Data Reporting for the High School Grades Calculation (PDF, 78KB) (September 20)
- New Teacher and New Administrator Programs (PDF, 57KB) (September 20)
- Attachment 1 – New Administrator Training Flyer (PDF, 318KB)
- Attachment 2 – New Teacher Programs Training Flyer (PDF, 299KB)
- Race to the Top (RTTT) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) (PDF, 56KB) (September 17)
- Industry Certification for Electronic Transcripts and Articulation (PDF, 57KB) (September 16)
- Grant Opportunity for Technical Centers (PDF, 33KB) (September 15)
- Attachment 1 – Advertisement Detail (PDF, 37KB)
- Attachment 2 - Request for Application (RFA) RFA#10-011 (PDF, 451KB)
- 2010-2011 Career and Professional Academy Registration ends September 15, 2010 (PDF, 113KB) (September 8)
- 2010-11 Data Submission Cycle: College Adult General Education (AGE) (PDF, 86KB) (September 2)
- Attachment – Report Coordinators (PDF, 183KB)
- 2010-11 Data Submission Cycle: College Career and Technical Education (CTE) (PDF, 90KB) (September 2)
- Attachment – Report Coordinators (PDF, 183KB) ()
- Residency for Tuition Purposes (PDF, 51KB) (August 31)
- 2010-11 Data Submission Cycle: District Adult General Education (AGE) (PDF, 82KB) - (August 30)
- 2010-11 Data Submission Cycle: District Postsecondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) (PDF, 98KB) – (August 30)
- Attachment – District Report Coordinators (PDF, 65KB)
- 2010-11 Data Submission Cycle: Secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) (PDF, 67KB) – (August 30)
- Technical Assistance Paper Offering Career Education Courses in Department of Juvenile Justice Education Programs (PDF, 126KB) – (August 25)
- Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Database (PDF, 70KB) – (August 16)
- Senate Bill 2386 (Chapter 2010-151, Laws of Florida): New Requirements for Department of Education Contracts and Discretionary Projects/Grants (PDF, 56KB) – (August 16)
- Equipment Transfer (Disposition) Opportunity (PDF, 69KB) – (August 11)
- 2010-11 District Workforce Education Performance Funding Allocation (PDF, 4MB) – (July 28)
- Technical Assistance Paper: Basic Skills Test (PDF, 65KB) – (July 15)
- 2010-2011 Career and Professional Academy Registration (PDF, 62KB) – (July 15)
- Attachment - CAPE Registration Guide (PDF, 83KB)
- Summer 2010 Perkins IV Technical Skill Attainment Request Window (PDF, 63KB) – (July 1)
- Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Expenditures (PDF, 51KB) – (July 1)
- Changes to Nursing Education - 2010 HB1337 (PDF, 92KB) – (June 28)
- Project Lead the Way Innovation Fund Scale-Up Grant (PDF, 71KB) – (June 28)
- Massage Therapy (H120405) Rule Change (PDF, 74KB) – (June 11)
- Public Safety Telecommunication Framework (P090101) – Updated (PDF, 66KB) – (June 10)
- Instructions for Establishing 2010-2011 Perkins IV Local Performance Targets and Program Improvement Plan Development (PDF, 96KB) – (June 9)
- 2010-11 Workforce Education Tuition and Fees (PDF, 47KB) – (June 8)
- Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Expenditures (PDF, 72KB) – (June 4)
- Secondary and Postsecondary Construction Expenditures (PDF, 51KB) – (June 4)
- Clarification on Reporting Literacy Completion Points (LCPs) (PDF, 37KB) – (May 28)
- 2010-2011 CTE PSAV (Clock Hour) Dual Enrollment High School Equivalencies (PDF, 36KB) – (May 27)
- Postsecondary Adult Vocational Culinary Programs (old and new) (PDF, 37KB) – (May 17)
- State-established scores for National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI ) assessments for the 2009-2010 Reporting Year (PDF, 58KB) – (May 17)
- NOCTI Exams With Criterion Referenced Cut Scores (PDF, 96KB)
- Perkins 2010-2011 Postsecondary Criteria for Economically Disadvantaged Students (PDF, 35KB) – (April 28)
- 2010-2011 Adult Education Funding Opportunity Conference Calls (PDF, 38KB) – (April 27)
- Perkins 2010-2011 Request for Application Delay Notification (PDF, 28KB) – (April 22)
- Secondary Biotechnology Program Teacher Certification (PDF, 38KB) – (April 21)
- Data Resources for Adult Education Administrators (PDF, 27KB) – (April 20)
- National Reporting System for EL/Civics Education (PDF, 36KB) – (April 7)
- Project Disbursement Report - Revised DOE Form 499 (Excel, 172KB)
- Equipment Transfer (Disposition) (PDF, 43KB) – (April 7)
- Professional Development Institute (PDF, 90KB) – (April 7)
- 2009-10 Career and Professional Academy Enrollment Reports (PDF, 39KB) – (April 2)
- Agritechnology Program Linkage (PDF, 37KB) (March 31)
- National Healthcareer Association – State of Florida Agreement (PDF, 36KB) (March 29)
- NHA Agreement (PDF, 182KB)
- Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES) Program Enrollment-Performance Comparison (PDF, 19KB) (March 25)
- 2010 Summer Training Announcement – Automotive Instructors (PDF, 19KB) (March 25)
- Industry Certification Funding List (PDF, 119KB) (March 15)
- Career and Professional Education TA Paper (PDF, 35KB) (March 10)
- District Dual Enrollment Report (PDF, 19KB) (March 9)
- CTE Reading (CATER) Summer Professional Development (PDF, 29KB) (March 8)
- CATER Summer Schedule (PDF, 10KB)
- CATER Q and A (PDF, 15KB)
- Nursing Program National Accreditation (PDF, 41KB) (March 2)
- CTE Basic Skills Assessment TA Paper (PDF, 19KB) (February 16)
- Industry Certification Data Reporting (PDF, 119KB) (February 16)
- GED Exit Options (PDF) (February 12)
- 2010-11 Performance-Based Incentives Calculation Data Review (PDF, 68KB) (February 12)
- 2008-2009 District PBB (Excel, 258KB)
- Adult Education Test Data Collection – College (PDF, 44KB) (February 8)
- College AGE Test Score Elements (PDF, 60KB)
- Florida Trend – High Achieving Youth (PDF, 35KB) (January 25th)
- Industry Certification – Additional FTE in the 2009-10 FEFP 3rd Calculation (PDF, 40KB) (January 19th)
- Adult General Ed Literacy Test Data Collection (PDF, 25KB) (January 15th)
- District Test Record (PDF, 29KB)
- Adult Test Level (PDF, 26KB)
- Adult Test Form (PDF, 25KB)
- Test Score Data Implementation Plan (PDF, 31KB)
- Adult Test Subject Content (PDF, 25KB)
- Adult Test Score (PDF, 25KB)
- Adult Test Name (PDF, 25KB)
- State Improvement Plan – Input from Stakeholders (PDF, 29KB)
2009 Statewide Correspondence
Information sent from the Chancellor’s Office is provided to ensure up-to-date information is available to the field. Memorandums; statewide e-mails; and paperless communications regarding Career and Adult Education and Apprenticeship issues are displayed in chronological order beginning July 1, 2009.- Career & Technical Education (CTE) (Clock Hour) Dual Enrollment High School Equivalencies (PDF, 54KB) (November 4th)
- CTE (Clock Hour) Dual Enrollment Course (PDF, 49KB)
- Changes Document Memorandum – 2010-2011 (PDF, 27KB) (December 10th)
- Changes Document Attachment (PDF, 207KB)
- Industry Certification in Criminal Justice Programs (PDF, 28KB) (December 3rd)
- Perkins Secondary Technical Skill Attainment (PDF, 27KB) (November 25th)
- 2009-2010 Adult Level Clock Hour Inventory (RTF, 834KB)
- 2009-2010 Secondary Inventory (RTF, 573KB)
- Perkins Postsecondary Technical Skill Attainment (PDF, 27KB) (November 25th)
- 2009-2010 College Credit Inventory (RTF, 348KB)
- 2009-2010 Clock Hour Inventory (RTF, 834KB)
- FOR-PD – Clarification (PDF, 30KB) (November 16th)
- The Facts about FOR-PD (PDF, 97KB)
- Differentiated Accountability Process (PDF, 27KB) (November 9th)
- 2010 FOR-PD for CTE Teachers (PDF, 75KB) (November 6th)
- Cosmetology Hours (PDF, 35KB) (October 19th)
- Changes to 2009-10 Section 5 Course Code Directory (PDF, 27KB) (October 19th)
- Change Document (PDF, 23KB)
- PDI Mini-Grant Opportunities (PDF, 47KB) (August 26th)
- GED Exit Option (PDF) (August 12th)
- Vocational Preparatory Instruction and Perkins IV Funds (PDF, 62KB) (July 29th)
- Adult Education Advisory Committees (PDF, 64KB) (July 24th)
- Nomination Form (PDF, 98KB)
- 2008-2009 Ad Hoc Committees (PDF, 61KB) (July 24th)
- Tests of Adult Basic Education -TABE CLAS-E (PDF, 52KB) (July 24th)
- 2009-2010 Career and Professional Academy Registration (PDF, 65KB) (July 15th)
- Re-advertisement: 2009-2010 Adult Education Funding Opportunities (PDF, 60KB) (July 14th)
- Career and Technical Student Organization Technical Skill Competition Expenditures (PDF, 63KB) (July 13th)
- Reporting Instructional Hours – Workforce Education Programs (PDF, 65KB) (July 1st)