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eDynamic Learning ULC

Mission statement

Help students find their passion and their purpose and to prepare for a successful future through CTE and elective courseware and services.

Contact Information

Administrative offices can be reached for information about courses, instructors, or other needed assistance. 
Phone: 877-585-2029 
Technical support tickets can be filed via the support portal, 
Technical Support

Type of Program being offered in Florida

  • Part-time
  • Grades 6-12

Courses Offered

Course list (Excel)

Learning Management System

Agilix Buzz

Website for Employment

Instructional Services Partner Employment

Disclosure Website:

Providers must disclose information for the general public related to their curriculum, policies, certification and physical location of administrators and instructional staff, instructional staff availability, student-teacher ratios, student completion and promotion rates and student and school performance results.