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2023-24 Florida CIP to SOC Crosswalk

The Florida Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) to Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) crosswalk contains linkages used to identify postsecondary programs that train students for occupations found to meet the Credentials Review Committee demand and/or wage thresholds.

CIP codes provide a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completion activity. The value of a CIP to SOC crosswalk is to demonstrate the connection between the world of work and the world of education using CIP programs and SOC occupational titles. The aim of the CIP to SOC crosswalk is to draw a reasonable association between these two worlds so Florida’s postsecondary institutions can demonstrate or plan to offer programs aligned with existing or future labor market demand.

Due to the frequency of CIP to SOC assignments being established, the Division of Career and Adult Education will maintain the most recent version of the CIP to SOC crosswalk at this web location. SOC codes will no longer be maintained in the curriculum frameworks.

2024-2025 Program and Course Tables

This Excel files is an excerpt from the FDOE source database. The file contains a list of all the programs and associated course information. The file will be updated as needed, throughout the year, when information is added, deleted or updated in the database.

For postsecondary CIP to SOC information please see the 2023-24 Florida CIP to SOC Crosswalk above.

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