CTE Program Resources
CTE Curriculum Frameworks on CPALMS-CTE, Florida’s official source for standards information and course descriptions.
Program Planning and Operation
- Statewide Demand Occupation List
- CAPE Industry Certification Funding List (Current)
- Statewide Articulation Agreements
- State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF) and the Florida Building Code
- Course Code Directory
- Curriculum Frameworks Change Document - CTE 2024-25 (RTF)
- Curriculum Frameworks Change Document - CTE 2023-24 (RTF)
- Historical Curriculum Frameworks Change Document - CTE (Excel)
Secondary Program Resources
- Bright Futures Course Table (BFCT) (Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program)
- 2023-24 College Cost Savings Through Industry Certification
- Cooperative Education Manual
- CTE Course Substitution for Students With Disabilities to Meet Graduation Requirements – technical assistance by Project 10 Transition Education Network.
Career Certificate Program Resources
- 2023-2024 Basic Skills Licensure Exemption List (Excel)
- COE Matrix (Excel)
- COE Matrix Change Request Form (RTF)
Postsecondary FloridaClassification of Instructional Programs (CIP) to Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Crosswalk
The Master Credential List (MCL) is Florida’s official postsecondary CIP to SOC crosswalk. Go to CareerSource’s Master Credential List website (link below) to view the comprehensive list of CTE and non-CTE postsecondary programs and their respective SOC codes. This crosswalk contains linkages used to identify postsecondary programs that train students for occupations found to meet the Credentials Review Committee demand and/or wage thresholds. SOC codes are no longer maintained in the postsecondary CTE curriculum frameworks.
Program and Course Tables
The Excel file below is an excerpt from the FDOE source database, containing a list of all the programs and associated course information. This file will be updated quarterly, when information is added, deleted or updated in the database.
Program Review and Feedback
Curriculum Framework Development and Revision Resources
- We welcome the feedback of Florida CTE stakeholders on improving CTE Curriculum Frameworks. Please send suggested edits with tracked changes and comment explanations to CTEprogramrequest@fldoe.org. Please include the contact information of all parties involved in the review and editing process. Your feedback will be cataloged and reviewed during a given program’s next triannual review, pursuant to s. 1004.92(2)(b)(4), F. S.
- Curriculum Frameworks Review Schedule (Programs of Work) (Excel) – this document catalogs what programs will be reviewed in a given school year.
- How to Write CTE Standards and Benchmarks (PDF)
- CTE Course Level 3 Rubric (PDF)
- EmployFlorida.com – Florida Commerce’s job site. Under LABOR MARKET INFORMATION/Occupational Profile you can view occupational labor market data, skills listed by employers on job posts and the employers that have listed the most openings locally.
New Program Request Forms
- AS Degree New Program Request Form (Word)
- AAS Degree New Program Request Form (Word)
- College Credit Certificate New Program Request Form (Word)
- Career Certificate New Program Request Form (Word)
- High School New Program Request Form (Word)
- Middle School New Program Request Form (Word)
- Labor Market Demand Overview (PDF)
Please use this for all new program requests.