Discipline Data
School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) System - District & State Reports
The School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) System currently collects data on 26 incidents of crime, violence, and disruptive behaviors that occur on school grounds, on school transportation, and at off-campus, school-sponsored events, during any 24-hour period, 365 days per year. Incidents are reported by schools to the districts which, in turn, provide the data to the DOE.
Generally, increases in reporting of SESIR data are due to the collective efforts of Governor Ron DeSantis, the Florida Legislature, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, Attorney General Ashley Moody, FDLE, FDOE, school district superintendents, and other Florida law enforcement agencies to ensure more consistent and accurate reporting of school safety incidents by Florida’s schools. These enhancements in reporting were the product of improvements in Florida statutes and administrative rules, uses of consistent law enforcement terminology, and a command focus on corresponding training and accountability for compliance.
Districts use standardized SESIR codes and definitions to report incidents to the department.
SESIR Data Statewide and by School District
- SESIR Data, 2023-24
- SESIR Data, 2022-23
- SESIR Data, 2021-22
- SESIR Data, 2020-21
- SESIR Data, 2019-20
- SESIR Data, 2018-19
- SESIR Data, 2017-18
- SESIR Data, 2016-17
- SESIR Data, 2015-16
- SESIR Data, 2014-15
- SESIR Data, 2013-14
- SESIR Data, 2012-13
- SESIR Data, 2011-12
- SESIR Data, 2010-11
- SESIR Data, 2009-10
- SESIR Data, 2008-09
- SESIR Data, 2007-08
- SESIR Data, 2006-07
- SESIR Data, 2005-06 (District-level data only)
- All School Districts (Excel)
Discipline Data Statewide and by School District
- Discipline Data, 2023-24 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2022-23 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2021-22 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2020-21 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2019-20 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2018-19 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2017-18 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2016-17 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2015-16 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2014-15 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2013-14 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2012-13 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2011-12 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2010-11 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2009-10 (Excel)
- Discipline Data, 2008-09 (Word)
- Discipline Data, 2007-08 (Word)
Automated Student Database
The Education Information Services Office functions include: assisting school districts in the reporting of accurate information (Section 1008.385, Florida Statutes), providing information to customers in order to meet their needs, fulfilling DOE Information Database reporting requirements, and reviewing and developing data collection procedures.
Districts can check their student information systems against the current DOE SESIR and discipline data elements using the crosswalk Event and Discipline Report form (Word).
School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) System
- School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) System, Automated Student Reporting Format, Comprehensive Management Information System
- Appendix P Definitions for Incident Reporting (Excel)
- SESIR Edits (PDF)
Student Discipline/Referral Action
- Student Discipline/Referral Action, Automated Student Reporting Format, Comprehensive Management Information System
- Student Discipline-Resultant Action Edits (PDF)
Federal/State Indicator Status
- Federal/State Indicator Status, Automated Student Reporting Format, Comprehensive Management Information System
- Federal/State Indicator Status Edits (PDF)
Office of Safe Schools
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-5173