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Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction
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Title II, Part A - Equitable Services

Title II, Part A provides equitable services to eligible private school teachers, principals and other school leaders for allowable activities focused on recruitment, development and retention in comparison to services provided to public schools. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), requires that public LEAs contact appropriate officials of all private schools within the geographic boundaries of the LEA annually to determine if schools would like to participate in the Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction grant program. Title II, Part A program, local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to provide timely and meaningful consultation. The LEA may determine reasonable deadlines and must consult with appropriate private school officials and have the goal of reaching agreement on how to provide equitable and effective programs for eligible private schools pursuant to ESEA Section 8501(c)(1). Private school plans and budgets are subject to review and approval by the program office, the same as LEA applications.
