Title I, Part D – Prevention & Intervention Programs for Children & Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk
Program Purpose
- To improve educational services for children and youth who are neglected (N) or delinquent (D) so that they have the opportunity to meet challenging State academic content and achievement standards that all children in the State are expected to meet.
- To provide children and youth who are N or D services so they can successfully transition from institutionalization to further education or employment.
- To prevent youth from dropping out of school and provide youth who have dropped out and youth returning from correctional facilities with a support system to ensure their continued education.
Program Structure
Title I, Part D consists of three (3) subparts:
- Subpart 1 provides funding to support the education of youth in state-operated institutions (State Agencies).
- Subpart 2 aids local educational agencies (LEAs) that work with local facilities that serve adjudicated youth.
- Subpart 3 requires Program Evaluation.
Subparts 1 and 2 are formula grants based on an allocation generated by counting the number of students residing in institutions for neglected or delinquent children. To receive Title I, Part D funding, each state agency (SA) or LEA may apply for funding through an application process.
The Florida Department of Corrections is the state agency (SA) responsible for providing free public education and a regular program of instruction (at least 15 hours per week) for youth in adult correctional institutions.
The LEAs serve N or D students in schools or facilities classified as N or D on the master school identification file. A focus of Title I, Part D is the transitional and academic needs of students returning to LEAs or alternative education programs from correctional facilities. Students at risk of dropping out of school may receive services under Title I, Part D, if the provision of such services does not have a negative impact on meeting the needs of delinquent students.