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Career & Technical Education
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Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster is a highly technical, ever-changing sector of the global economy upon which everyone is dependent. We will continue to meet national and global demand for safe and abundant food, fiber, and fuel supply if we invest in the growth and development of the human capital for the AFNR industry. Strong, relevant AFNR career and technical education programs that are informed by industry and education stakeholders are one way we can meet workforce needs now and in the future.

Check out Florida’s Workforce Initiative, Get There for more information on career and technical education in Florida.

Program Planning Resources



Career and Technical Student Organizations

Teacher/Educator Professional Organizations

Support Organizations

Instructional & Related Resources

For additional information about this Career Cluster, contact the State Supervisor for Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Education, 850-245-9016.