Temporary Teacher Apprenticeship Certification Pathway
Florida issues a five-year Temporary Teacher Apprenticeship Certificate for individuals who do not qualify for the Professional Certificate, but meet the following requirements:
- Meet the requirements of Section 1012.56(2)(a),(b),(d),(e),(f), F.S.
- Must hold a valid official statement of status of eligibility as specified in Section 1012.56(1), F.S., which reflects that the applicant has satisfied specialization requirements.
- Must have received an associate degree from an accredited postsecondary institution.
- Must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in that degree program.
- Must be selected by a participating employer to participate in the Teacher Apprenticeship Program in accordance with Rule 6A-5.067, F.A.C.;
- Must have been accepted by the Florida postsecondary institution offering related instruction for the participating employer’s Teacher Apprenticeship Program, as verified by a participating employer in accordance with Rule 6A-5.067, F.A.C.
- May only submit the application for the subject in which you are seeking certification.
- Cannot submit an application for endorsements.
- Must satisfy the fingerprint requirement.
There are two steps to complete the certification process and each step is outlined below.
Step 1
- Once you arrive at the Quick Start Menu, you will need to select Bureau of Educator Certification (BEC) when asked “What are you applying for?”
- Next, you will select the Temporary Apprenticeship Certificate Application from the options in the Choose Application drop-down box. Click the blue “Select” button to begin the application.
Step 2
- Once you have created your online account, please email TeacherApprenticeshipCertification@fldoe.org for instructions on submitting the official transcript.