Historical Data: Please visit the Archives page for all historical data.
Graduation Rates
High School Graduation Rates (Know Your Data tool)
The Know Your Data Portal (formerly EDStats) provides access to interactive reports that deliver overall and demographic information in a variety of formats, including charts, tables, and maps that can be customized and downloaded as an Image, Crosstab, PDF, or PowerPoint file. School- and district-level disaggregations for the High School Graduation Rates and for High School Graduate Pathways may be obtained via the PK-12 Advanced Reports section of the Know Your Data tool.
- Florida's Federal High School Graduation Rates, 2023-24 (PDF)
- Florida's Federal Graduation Rates by Race/Ethnicity by School and District, 2023-24 (Excel)
- Florida's Federal Graduation Rates by Special Category by School and District, 2023-24 (Excel)
- Historical Graduation Rates 2003-04 to 2023-24 (PDF)
- Historical Summary of Florida’s Graduation Rate (PDF)
- 2023-24 Information Guide for the 4-Year Graduation Rate Cohort (PDF)
- Absent 21+ Days and Absent 10% or More Comparison, 2023-24 (Excel)
- Average Daily Attendance/Average Daily Membership
For purposes of this report, Average Daily Attendance (ADA) is the average number of students actually present each day school was in session (aggregate days attendance divided by total days school was in session). Average Daily Membership (ADM) is the average number of students on the current roll of the school each day school was in session (aggregate days membership divided by total days school was in session).
Course Enrollment
- The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) conducts scheduled surveys of school district student information during the reporting year. The course enrollment report lists the number of students enrolled in each course by district in Survey 2, conducted in October, and Survey 3, conducted in February. Data can vary from one survey to another.
- Course Enrollment, Survey 2, 2024-25
- Course Enrollment State Report, Survey 2, 2024-25 (Excel)
- Course Enrollment by District, Survey 2, 2024-25 (Excel)
- Course Enrollment by School, Survey 2, 2024-25
- Alachua-Columbia (Excel)
- Dade-Highlands (Excel)
- Hillsborough-Okeechobee (Excel)
- Orange-Pinellas (Excel)
- Polk-DJJ (Excel)
- State-, district- and school-level disaggregations for grades K-5 courses, grades 6-12 courses, exceptional student education (ESE) courses, and dual enrollment courses may be obtained via the Course Enrollments, PK-12 Advanced Reports section of the Know Your Data tool (Fall Survey 2 data only).
- Course Enrollment, Survey 2, 2024-25
District and School Discipline Data is now located on the Office of Safe Schools website at:
Dropout Rates
Cohort-Based Dropout Rates (Know Your Data tool)
School- and district-level disaggregations for the cohort-based dropout rates may be obtained via the High School Graduation Rates section of the PK-12 Advanced Reports section of the Know Your Data tool.
PK-12 Enrollment (Know Your Data tool)
School- and district-level disaggregations for PK-12 enrollment may be obtained via the Student Enrollments, PK-12 Advanced Reports section of the Know Your Data tool.
- Enrollment/Membership (Student Enrollment) in Florida Public Schools
- English Language Learners
Section 1003.56(2)(a) F.S. defines an English Language Learner (ELL) as "an individual who was not born in the United States and whose native language is a language other than English; an individual who comes from a home environment where a language other than English is spoken in the home; or an individual who is an American Indian or Alaskan native and who comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on his or her level of English language proficiency; and who, by reason thereof, has sufficient difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or listening to the English language to deny such individual the opportunity to learn successfully in classrooms where the language of instruction is English." - Exceptional Students
Section 1007.02, F.S., defines “student with a disability” as a student who is documented as having an intellectual disability; a hearing impairment, including deafness; a speech or language impairment; a visual impairment, including blindness; an emotional or behavioral disability; an orthopedic or other health impairment; an autism spectrum disorder; a traumatic brain injury; or a specific learning disability, including, but not limited to, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia.
Stability Rate
- Stability Rate by District, 2023-24 (Excel)
- Stability Rate by School, 2023-24 (Excel)
High School Completers
- Florida Public High School Completers by District, 2023-24 (Excel)
- Florida Public High School Completers by School, 2023-24 (Excel)
Lunch Status
- Lunch Status by District, Survey 2, 2024-25 (Excel)
- Lunch Status by School, Survey 2, 2024-25 (Excel)
Retentions and Non-Promotions
- 3rd Grade Promotions: Good Cause Exemption, 2022-23 (Excel)
- Non-Promotions in Florida's Public Schools, 2022-23 (Excel)
- Retention Rates by District, 2022-23 (Excel)
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