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Social Studies for All, Principles of Universal Design

This webpage contains information and resources related to the Social Studies for All, Principles of Universal Design webinar recorded November 9, 2016. The content provided in this presentation was current as of the recording date. This presentation is informational and is not intended to replace or supersede local guidance.


  • Michael DiPierro, Social Studies Education Specialist, Bureau of Standards and Instructional Support
  • Dr. Heather Willis-Doxsee, ESE Reading Specialist, Just Read, Florida!

Desired outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Graphically display and/or explain to a peer key information about the faux-flipped classroom model and the three UDL principles.
  • Design a lesson that incorporates the three main UDL principles, given a LAFS and Social Studies Next Generation Sunshine State Standard.


Related resources