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Career and Technical Education Teacher Course

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2010-2011 Career and Technical Education Teacher Course

  1. Submit a separate record for each combination of Course Number, Section Number, Period Number, Social Security Number and Term on the Career and Technical Educational Teacher Course format for each combination of Course Number, Section Number, Period Number, and Term submitted on the Career and Technical Educational Student Course format during Survey 5. No Career and Technical Educational Teacher Course records are needed, however, for prior year courses reported on the Career and Technical Educational Student Course format, for Course Numbers of zero and for dual-enrollment courses

  2. SCHOOL YEAR: Career and Technical Education courses are to be reported for the School Year.

  3. KEY FIELDS: The key fields for this format are item numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 13. If a key field needs to be changed, the record must be deleted and re-submitted as an add.

  4. ERROR CODES: This field is used by the Department to report to districts the specific errors found in the record during the state edit process. This field should contain filler (spaces, blanks) when the record is transmitted to the Department.

  5. ' * ' indicates key fields.
    (Click on the link to view or download a pdf version of the document)

    Item No. From-To Size Field Char. Field Description
    1 1-2 2 N/R District Number, Current Instruction/Service *
    2 3-6 4 A/N/R School Number, Current Instruction/Service *
    3 7-7 1 A/N Survey Period Code *
    4 8-11 4 N School Year *
    5 12-18 7 A/N Course Number *
    6 19-23 5 A/N Section Number *
    7 24-27 4 N

    Period Number *

    8 28-28 1 A/N Term *
    9 29-30 2 A/N/R Facility Type
    10 31-31 1 A/N Filler
    11 32-35 4 A/N Filler
    12 36-45 10 N/R Florida Educators Certificate Number
    13 46-55 10 A/N/L Social Security Number *
    14 56-56 1 A Transaction Code
    15 57-62 6 A/N Filler
    16 63-72 10 A/N Staff Number Identifier, Local
    17 73-80 8 A/N Filler/Error Codes

    Last Updated: 7/1/2011