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2011-12 Student Information System
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Title I Supplemental Educational Services

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2011-2012 Title I Supplemental Educational Services

  1. This format record should only be reported for students who are eligible for Title I Supplemental Educational Services (SES) pursuant to No Child Left Behind Title I Sec. 1116(e)(1), ESEA.

  2. For survey periods 2, 3 and 9, submit this record for each student who was assigned to receive Title I Supplemental Educational Services with a State-approved provider, as per Title I Sec. 1116(e)(1), ESEA, at any time from the beginning of the school year through the survey period.

  3. For survey period 5, submit this record for any student who was assigned to receive Title I Supplemental Educational Services with a State-approved provider, as per Title I, Sec. 1116(e)(1), ESEA at any time during the school year and accompanying summer session(s).

  4. TITLE I SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - SERVICE PROVIDER: For each student served submit a separate format for each State-approved Supplemental Educational Services - Service Provider. See Appendix T for a list of the approved service providers and their assigned provider numbers.

  5. If the school district must provide SES to children with disabilities either directly or through a contract because there are no available state-approved providers, use code 0108. If the school district must provide SES to children with limited English proficiency (English Language Learners) either directly or through a contract because there are no available state-approved providers, use code 0109.

    If the district does NOT have a state approved Title I Supplemental Education Services – Service Provider and has received Department of Education approval to offer Title I Supplemental Educational Services for a student, use codes 1001 - 1067 or 1072 – 1075, as appropriate. (Requests must be sent directly to the department to obtain assigned codes.)

  6. TERM: To show the student participated in Title I Supplemental Educational Services during the regular school year, use code 3 (annual). To indicate summer participation, use code S (combined summer sessions). If the student participated in Title I Supplemental Educational Services during the regular school year and summer school, send separate records, one for each Term.

  7. TITLE I SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - HOURS OF CONTACT: Record the cumulative number of hours of contact that the student had with the Title I Supplemental Educational Service Provider for the subject indicated. If the student has been assigned to a provider by the district (including students having an approved Student Learning Plan or students without approved Student Learning Plans), but has not been reported by the provider as receiving services, report 000 for the hours of contact. If the student has not been assigned to receive services in a specific subject area, report 999 for the hours. Title I Supplemental Educational Services – Hours of Contact must be reported separately for each term and each service provider.

  8. TITLE I SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES – BEGIN SERVICES DATE: The date in this school year on which the student was first served by the Title I Supplemental Educational Services provider. For students served by more than one Title I Supplemental Educational Services provider, track the beginning date of services for each provider.

  9. TITLE I SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES – LENGTH OF PRESCRIBED PROGRAM: Indicate the total hours of the student’s prescribed enrollment within each Title I Supplemental Educational Services provider’s tutoring program as stated in the individual Student Learning Plan (SLP). The prescribed program represents the number of tutoring hours the student is assigned to complete the SES provider’s program. If the student has been served by multiple SES providers, report the total hours of the prescribed program for each SES provider. For students receiving SES in multiple subject areas, report the total hours across all subject areas. Round the hours of the prescribed program to the nearest whole number.

  10. ERROR CODES: This field is used by the Department to report to districts the specific errors found in the record during the state edit process.  This field should contain filler (spaces, blanks) when the record is transmitted to the Department.

  11. KEY FIELDS: The key fields for this format are item numbers 1-5 and 7-8 . If a key field needs to be changed, the record must be deleted and re-submitted as an add.

' * ' indicates key fields.

(Click on the link to view or download a pdf version of the document)
Item No. From-To Size Field Char. Field Description
1 1-2 2 N/R District Number, Current Enrollment *
2 3-6 4 A/N/R School Number, Current Enrollment *
3 7-16 10 A/N Student Number Identifier, Florida *
4 17-17 1 N Survey Period Code *
5 18-21 4 N Year *
6 22-27 6 N Filler
7 28-31 4 A/N Title I Supplemental Educational Services Service Provider *
8 32-32 1 A/N Term *
9 33-33 1 A Transaction Code
10 34-36 3 N Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Length of Prescribed Program
11 37-39 3 N Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Hours of Contact: Reading/Language Arts
12 40-42 3 N Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Hours of Contact: Math
13 43-45 3 N Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Hours of Contact : Science
14 46-49


N/R Title I Supplemental Educational Services School
15 50-53 4 A/N Filler
16 54-61 8 A/N Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Begin Services Date
17 62-62 1 A/N Filler
18 63-72 10 A/N Student Number Identifier, Local
19 73-152 80 A/N Filler
20 153-160 8 A/N Filler/Error Codes

Last Updated: 7/1/2011