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2011-12 Student Information System
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Student Discipline/Resultant Action

Database Requirements Index Page
Education Information and Accountability Services Home Page

2011-2012 Student Discipline/Resultant Action

  1. Submit this record during reporting periods 2, 3 and 5 for each student receiving a discipline/resultant action from the first day of the school year to the last day of the survey period. Report all discipline/resultant actions and total duration days that resulted from any incident that occurred during the school year or the subsequent summer session(s) even if the discipline/resultant action is intended to begin in the next school year. Submit a separate record for each occurrence of the discipline/resultant action. A student Discipline/Resultant Action record should not be submitted for SESIR incidents with an Incident, Involvement Type of N or U.

  2. INCIDENT, IDENTIFIER: If the discipline/resultant action is related to a School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR) item then the Incident, Identifier and the School Number, Where Incident Occurred should be the same on both records.

  3. GRADE LEVEL: Use the grade level of the student at the time the incident occurred.

  4. ERROR CODES: This field is used by the Department to report to districts the specific errors found in the record during the state edit process. This field should contain filler (spaces, blanks) when the record is transmitted to the Department.

  5. KEY FIELDS: The key fields for this format are item numbers 1, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, and 9. If a key field needs to be changed, the record must be deleted and re-submitted as an add.

' * ' indicates key fields.
(Click on the link to view or download a pdf version of the document)
Item No. From-To Size Field Char. Field Description
1 1-2 2 N/R District Number, Current Enrollment *
2 3-6 4 A/N/R School Number, Current Enrollment
3 7-16 10 A/N Student Number Identifier, Florida *
4 17-17 1 N Survey Period Code - 2, 3, or 5 *
5 18-21 4 N School Year *
6 22-22 1 A Discipline/Resultant Action Code*
7 23-26 4 N School Number, Where Discipline/Resultant Action Occurred*
8 27-27 1 A Transaction Code
9 28-35 8 A/N Incident, Identifier *
10 36-43 8 A/N Incident, Date
11 44-46 3 N Duration, discipline Action
12 47-47 1 A Filler
13 48-48 1 A Student, Involved in Hate Crime
14 49-49 1 A Student, Use of Alcohol
15 50-50 1 A Student, Use of Drugs
16 51-51 1 A Student, Weapon Use
17 52-53 2 A/N Grade Level
18 54-54 1 A Filler
19 55-55 1 A Gender
20 56-63 8 N Birth Date
21 64-64 1 A/N Lunch Status
22 65-66 2 A

English Language Learner, PK-12

23 67-70 4 A/N School Number, Where Incident Occurred
24 71-76 6 A/N Filler
25 77-77 1 A Student, Involved in Bullying
26 78-78 1 A Zero-Tolerance: Expulsions
27 79-142 64 A/N Filler
28 143-152 10 A/N Student Number Identifier, Local
29 153-160 8 A/N Filler/Error Codes

Last Updated: 6/1/2011