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2011-12 Student Information System
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Prior School Status/Student Attendance

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2011-2012 Prior School Status/Student Attendance

  1. Submit this record in reporting survey periods 2, 3 and 5 for each PK-12 student who was in membership in any school or enrolled in any course in the district from the first day of the school year to the last day of the survey period as well as any student who withdrew between school years. Students in School Number, Current Enrollment N998 and N999 should be reported. A separate record must be submitted for each school of enrollment and each entry/reentry date.

  2. For students enrolled in a year-round school program, separate records should be submitted for each intersession. Students enrolled in separate summer terms must have two separate records reported.

  3. WITHDRAWAL CODE, PK-12: Report ZZZ for Surveys 2 and 3 if no withdrawal code is applicable. Every record must have a Withdrawal Code other than ZZZ for Survey 5. Students who were expected to attend school but did not enter as expected (code DNE) should be reported on all surveys (2, 3, and 5).

  4. TERM: To indicate the student entered/reentered during the regular school year, use code 3 (annual). To indicate summer school or intersession (for year round school) use code S (combined summer schedule). Use code Y to indicate a record being submitted with a withdrawal code for a student who was not enrolled this year. For Survey 2, Term should equal Z and Days Absent, Annual – Unexcused Not Related to Discipline should be 0-filled.

  5. DAYS PRESENT and DAYS ABSENT: Report Days Present, Annual and Days Absent, Annual in Survey Periods 3 and 5. For Survey Period 2, these elements should be 0 filled.

  6. RECORDS WITH TERM CODE = Y: For those records being reported with a Term code of Y, send the last School Number, Current Enrollment for the student in the district. The following fields should be Z-filled: Entry (Re-Entry) Code, PK-12 and Prior School/Location: Country. The following fields should be 0-filled: Days Present, Annual; Days Absent, Annual; Days Present, Summer Terms; Days Absent, Summer Terms; Days Absent, Annual – Unexcused Not Related to Discipline and Entry (Re-Entry) Date. In addition, use the date of the first day of the district's regular school year for Withdrawal Date.

  7. ERROR CODES: This field is used by the Department to report to districts the specific errors found in the record during the state edit process. This field should contain filler (spaces, blanks) when the record is transmitted to the Department.

  8. KEY FIELDS: The key fields for this format are item numbers 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 13. If a key field needs to be changed, the record must be deleted and resubmitted as an add.

' * ' indicates key fields.

(Click on the link to view or download a pdf version of the document)
Item No. From-To Size Field Char. Field Description
1 1-2 2 N/R District Number, Current Enrollment *
2 3-6 4 A/N/R School Number, Current Enrollment *
3 7-16 10 A/N Student Number Identifier, Florida *
4 17-26 10 A/N Student Number Identifier - Alias, Florida
5 27-68 42 A/N/L Student Name, Legal
6 69-69 1 A Gender
7 70-70 1 A Filler
8 71-78 8 N Birth Date
9 79-80 2 A/N Grade Level
10 81-81 1 N Survey Period Code *
11 82-85 4 N School Year *
12 86-88 3 A/N Entry (Re-Entry) Code, PK-12
13 89-96 8 A/N Entry (Re-Entry) Date *
14 97-98 2 A/N Prior School/Location: District/County
15 99-100 2 A Prior School/Location: State/Territory or Commonwealth
16 101-102 2 A Prior School/Location: Country
17 103-105 3 A/N Withdrawal Code, PK-12
18 106-113 8 N Withdrawal Date
19 114-116 3 N Days Present, Annual
20 117-119 3 N Days Absent, Annual
21 120-120 1 A Transaction Code
22 121-123 3 N Days Present, Summer Terms
23 124-126 3 N Days Absent, Summer Terms
24 127-127 1 A/N Term
25 128-128 1 A Educational Choice
26 129-129 1 A Disaster Affected Student
27 130-130 1 A Student Offender Transfer
28 131-133 3 N Days Absent, Annual Unexcused Not Related to Discipline
29 134-142 9 A/N Filler
30 143-152 10 A/N Student Number Identifier, Local
31 153-160 8 A/N Filler/Error Codes

Last Updated: 7/1/2011