Title I Supplemental Educational Services
1. For survey period 3 submit this record for each student who received Title I Supplemental Educational Services with a State-approved provider, as per Title I, Sec. 1116(e)(1), ESEA, at any time from the beginning of the school year through the survey period.
2. For survey period 5 submit this record for any student who received Title I Supplemental Educational Services with a State-approved provider, as per Title I, Sec. 1116(e)(1), ESEA at any time during the school year and accompanying summer session(s).
3. TITLE I SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - SERVICE PROVIDER: For each student served submit a separate format for each State-approved Supplemental Educational Services - Service Provider.
If the school district must provide SES to children with disabilities either directly or through a contract because there are no available state-approved providers, use code 0108. If the school district must provide SES to children with limited English proficiency either directly or through a contract because there are no available state-approved providers, use code 0109.
When the district does not have a Title I Supplemental Education Services –Service Provider and provides the services for a student, or the district is a State- approved Title I Supplemental Education Service – Service Provider and provides the services for a student, use codes 1001 - 1067 or 1072 – 1075, as appropriate. 4. TERM: To show the student participated in Title I Supplemental Educational Services during the regular school year, use code 3 (annual). To indicate summer participation, use code S (combined summer sessions). If the student participated in Title I Supplemental Educational Services during the regular school year and summer school, send separate records, one for each Term.
5. TITLE I SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - HOURS OF CONTACT: Record the cumulative number of hours of contact that the student had with the Title I Supplemental Educational Service Provider for the subject indicated. Title I Supplemental Educational Services – Hours of Contact must be reported separately for each term and each service provider.
6. KEY FIELDS: The key fields for this format are item numbers 1-5, and 10-11. If a key field needs to be changed, the record must be deleted and re-submitted as an add.
(Click on the link to view or download a pdf version of the document)
' * ' indicates key fields.
Item No. | From-To | Size | Field Char. | Field Description |
1 | 1-2 | 2 | N/R | District Number, Current Enrollment * |
2 | 3-6 | 4 | A/N/R | School Number, Current Enrollment * |
3 | 7-16 | 10 | A/N | Student Number Identifier, Florida * |
4 | 17-17 | 1 | N | Survey Period Code * |
5 | 18-21 | 4 | N | Year * |
6 | 22-22 | 1 | A/N | Filler |
7 | 23-23 | 1 | A/N | Filler |
8 | 24-24 | 1 | A/N | Filler |
9 | 25-27 | 3 | N | Filler |
10 | 28-31 | 4 | A/N | Title I Supplemental Educational Services Service Provider * |
11 | 32-32 | 1 | A/N | Term * |
12 | 33-33 | 1 | A | Transaction Code |
13 | 34-36 | 3 | N | Filler |
14 | 37-39 | 3 | N | Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Hours of Contact: Reading |
15 | 40-42 | 3 | N | Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Hours of Contact: Math |
16 | 43-45 | 3 | N | Title I Supplemental Educational Services - Hours of Contact: Writing |
17 | 46-80 |
35 |
A/N | Filler |