Select the letter for a quick link to that alphabetical listing
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- AA - Associate in Arts
- AACC - American Association of Community Colleges
- AAP - Affirmative Action Plan
- AAS - Associate in Applied Science
- ABE - Adult Basic Education
- ACC - Articulation Coordinating Committee
- ACE - Adult and Community Education
- ACEE - Area Centers for Educational Enhancement
- ACENET - Adult and Community Education Network
- ACF - Administration for Children and Families
- ACRN - America's Career Resource Network
- ACTEONLINE - Association for Career and Technical Education (formerly American Vocational Association)
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
- AEA - Adult Education Act
- AFDC - Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- AFL-CIO - American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations
- AGE - Adult General Education
- AHS - Adult High School
- AJB - America's Job Bank - CareerOneStop
- ALMIS - America's Labor Market Information System
- AS - Associate in Science
- ASE - Adult Secondary Education
- ASET - Assistant Secretary of Employment and Training, US Department
- ASL - America's Service Locator - CareerOneStop
- ATD - Applied Technology Diploma
- ATP - Adult Training Programs
- ATR - Apprenticeship and Training Representative
- AWI - Agency for Workforce Innovation (formerly Florida Department of Labor)
- BAT - Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training - US Department of Labor
- BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics - US Department of Labor
- BRG - Business Relations Group - US Department of Labor
- CBT - Computer-Based Training
- CCD - Course Code Directory
- CCPF - Community College Program Fund
- CDF - Career Development Facilitator
- CEPRI - Council for Education Policy, Research & Improvement (formerly PEPC)
- CESER - Center for Employment Security Education & Research
- CETA - Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
- CEU - Continuing Education Unit
- CIA - Council on Instructional Affairs
- CIP - Classification of Instructional Programs
- CLU - Central Labor Union
- COBRA - Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
- COE - Council on Occupational Education
- COOP - Cooperative Work-Study Programs
- COS - CareerOneStop
- CRC - Civil Rights Center - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- CRT/CT - Classroom Training
- CSWE - Community Service Work Experience
- CTAB - Comprehension Tests of Adaptive Behavior
- CWDP - Certified Workforce Development Professional
- DJJ - Division of Juvenile Justice
- DOC - Department Of Corrections
- DOE - Department Of Education
- DOJ - US Department Of Justice
- DOL - US Department Of Labor
- DOLETA - Department Of Labor Employment & Training Administration (Federal)
- DOSO - Division of One-Stop Operations or One-Stop Division - US Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- DSS - Department of Social Services
- DSS – Developmental Scale Scores
- DUA - Disaster Unemployment Assistance
- DWP - Dislocated Worker Program
- EBSA - Employee Benefits Security Administration - US Department of Labor
- EDP - Employment Development Plan
- EDWAA - Economic Dislocated Worker Adjustment Act
- EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- E-Florida - Enterprise Florida, Inc.
- E-Mail - Electronic Mail
- ERIC - Educational Resource Information Center
- ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- ESE - Exceptional Student Education
- ESL - English as a Second Language (Oral Assessment)
- ESOL - English of Speakers of Other Languages
- ESPL - Employment Service Program Letter
- ETA - Employment and Training Administration
- ETAD - Employment Task Force for Adults with Disabilities
- EZ - Enterprise Zone
- FAC - Florida Administrative Code (State Board Rules)
- FACTE - Florida Association for Career & Technical Education
- FASA - Florida Association of School Administrators
- FBO - Faith-Based Organization
- FCA - Federal Committee on Apprenticeship
- FCCM - Federal Contract Compliance Manual
- FCLA - Florida Council of Local Administrators
- FDLES - Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security
- FEFP - Florida Education Finance Program
- FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FETPIP - Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program
- FIRN - Florida Information Resource Network
- FLSA - Fair Labor Standards Act
- FSET - Food Stamp Employment and Training Program
- FELE – Florida Educational Leadership Examination
- FTE - Full Time Equivalency
- FTP - Family Transition Program
- FY - Fiscal Year
- GJ - Group Joint
- GNJ - Group Non-Joint
- GPRA - Government Performance and Results Act
- GSA - U. S. Government Service Administration
- HHS - US Department of Health & Human Services
- HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- HSCT - High School Competency Test
- IB - International Baccalaureate
- IDAEP - Individual Disabled Adult Education Plan
- IEP - Individual Education Plan
- IJ - Individual Joint
- IJW - Individual Joint Waiver
- ILAB - International Labor Affairs Bureau - US Department of Labor
- IMS - Information Management System
- INAP - Indian and Native American Program
- INJ - Individual Non-Joint
- IT - Information Technology
- ITSC - Information Technology Support Center
- IWC - Institute for Workforce Competitiveness
- JAC - Joint Apprenticeship Committee
- JAN - Job Accommodation Network
- JATC - Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee
- JEP - Jobs and Education Partnership
- JTPA - Job Training and Partnership Act
- LCP - Literacy Completion Point
- LEA - Local Educational Agency
- LEO - Local Elected Official
- LEP - Limited English Proficiency
- LLSIL - Lower Living Standard Income Level
- LMA - Labor Market Area
- LVA - Literacy Volunteers of America
- LWIA - Local Workforce Investment Area
- MIS - Management Information System
- MOU - Memorandum Of Understanding
- MSFW - Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
- MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration - US Department of Labor
- NAEP - National Assessment of Education Performance
- NAICS - National American Industry Classification System
- NAS - National Apprenticeship System
- NASTAD - National Association of State and Territorial Apprenticeship Directors
- NASWA - National Association of State Workforce Agencies
- NAWB - National Association of Workforce Boards
- NCWD - National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability
- NGA - National Governors Association
- NJCA - National Job Corps Association
- NLA - National Literacy Act
- O*NET - Occupational Information Network
- OATELS - Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services
- OCO - Other Capital Outlay
- OCP - Occupational Completion Point
- ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy - US Department of Labor
- OES - Occupational Employment Statistics
- OIS - Occupational Information Systems
- OJC - Office of Job Corps - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- OJT - On-the-Job Training
- ONP - Office of National Programs - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- OPDER - Office of Policy, Development, Evaluation and Research - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- OPPAGA - Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability
- OPS - Other Personnel Services
- OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration - US Department of Labor
- OST - Occupational Skills Training
- OWCP - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- OWI - Office of Workforce Investment - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- OYS - Office of Youth Services - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- PBB - Performance Based Budgeting
- PBIF - Performance Based Incentive Funding
- PECO - Public Education Capital Outlay
- PEPC - Post Secondary Education Planning Commission
- PIC - Private Industry Council
- PRO - Performance and Results Office - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- PSAV - Post Secondary Adult Vocational
- PSV - Post Secondary Vocational
- PSVC - Post Secondary Vocational Certificate
- PY - Program Year
- RAIMS - Registered Apprenticeship Information Management System (formally AIMS)
- REDI - Rural Economic Development Initiative
- RFB - Request For Bid
- RFP - Request For Proposal
- RFQ - Request For Quotation
- RTI - Related Technical Instruction
- RWDB - Regional Workforce Development Board
- SAC - Southern Association of Colleges
- SACs - State Apprenticeship Councils
- SAIL - System for Applied Individualized Learning(changed to VPI)
- SBC - State Board of Community Colleges
- SBE - State Board of Education
- SBNCE - State Board of Nonpublic Career Education
- SCANS - Secretary's Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills
- SCSEP - Senior Community Service Employment Program - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- SDA - Service Delivery Area
- SGA - Solicitations for Grant Applications - Federal
- SIC - Standard Industrial Classification
- SOC - Standard Occupational Classification
- SSI - Supplemental Security Income
- SSS - Sunshine State Standards
- STW - School-To-Work
- SUS - State University System
- TA - Technical Assistance
- TABE - Test of Adult Basic Education
- TAG - Technical Assistance Guide
- TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
- TEGL - Training and Employment Guidance Letter
- TEIN - Training and Employment Information Notice
- TEN - Training and Employment Notice
- TO - Table of Organization
- UC/UI - Unemployment Compensation/Insurance
- USCM - US Conference of Mayors
- USES - US Employment Service - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- USDOL - United States Department Of Labor
- VESOL - Vocational Education for Speakers of Other Languages
- VET - Veterans' Employment and Training Service - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
- VPI - Vocational Preparatory Instruction
- VSO - Vocational Student Organization
- WAGES - Work And Gain Economic Self-sufficiency
- WB - Women's Bureau - US Department of Labor
- WDB - Workforce Development Board
- WDEF - Workforce Development Education Fund
- WDIS - Workforce Development Information Systems
- WDIT - Workforce Development Implementation Team
- WE - Workforce Education
- WEOIS - Workforce Education and Outcome Information Services
- WFD - WorkForce Development
- WIA - Workforce Investment Act
- WIB - Workforce Investment Board
- WIN - Welfare Information Network
- WOTC - Work Opportunity Tax Credit
- WTP - Welfare Transition Program
- WWW - World Wide Web