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Grants Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Office of Grants Management. Department of Education, Office of Grants Management, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 332 Turlington Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Department of Education program administrators are responsible for the distribution of approved Request for Proposals (RFPs) or Request for Applications (RFAs) notifying eligible agencies of a funding opportunity. The RFP/A provides the instructions on how and when to apply. An RFP is used for competitive projects and an RFA is used for noncompetitive projects.

Approved RFP/RFAs are the instructions, the federal or state authority, due date for submitting an application to the department for a specific funding purpose and the address for mailing applications and/or the web site for online applications. All RFP/As are assigned a unique tracking number (TAPS) which follows each application submitted for each TAPS number from the receipt in the department through the final approval process. Each RFP/A details the purpose and scope of the program, method of allocation, the amount of funds available detailing any restrictions, if applicable, any priorities established, support for the reading initiative, the review criteria for approval and any other requirement or procedure. They also included, the program and fiscal reporting requirements including any restrictions on the use of funds, the project period, and the department contact person with email address and telephone number.

TAPS - Tracking Applications - unique (tracking) numbers assigned to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or Requests for Applications (RFAs) to correspond with applications submitted to the Florida Department of Education. The Office of Grants Management staff assigns these numbers.

Send these documents to: Florida Department of Education, Office of Grants Management, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 332 Turlington Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.

No, however, our office will contact you to resubmit the request(s) on the appropriate forms. These forms can be downloaded from our website.

You should contact your specific university’s Contracts and Grants Office to obtain this information.

A CFDA number is a unique number created in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) database. It tracks all domestically funded federal programs available to state and local governments (including the District of Columbia); federally recognized Indian Tribes (and possessions) of the United States; domestic public; quasi-public and private. It provides a short summary of each grant program, as well as the contact information for federal agencies that award the grants.

No. Indirect costs apply only to federal projects. This information is referenced in the Project Application and Amendment Procedures for Federal and State Programs (Green Book) Section C - Fiscal and Program Accountability, Administrative Cost, and in Section D – General Assurances, Terms, and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, Indirect Cost.

In order to be allowed to recover indirect costs, agencies other than school districts, state agencies, state universities and state community colleges must furnish to the Comptroller's Office a copy of their current negotiated indirect cost plan that has been approved by the appropriate cognizant agency. If there is no such plan, the CBO may not charge indirect costs. The department of Education may approve amounts from zero to the maximum negotiated rate to a program or project. Indirect cost shall only apply to federal projects. Refer to the Project Application and Amendment Procedures for Federal and State Programs (Green Book), Section C, under Administrative Cost and Section D, under Indirect Cost.

For school districts, take the amount available to earn indirect costs and subtract excluded costs (capital outlay, flow-through and sub-contracts). This is the net amount available for both indirect and direct costs. Divide the net amount by the applicable approved indirect cost rate plus 100 percent which will give the direct cost. Subtract the direct cost amount from the net amount available to get the indirect cost amount for the budget. See example below. State Universities and state Community Colleges shall charge no more than 5 percent. Indirect cost shall apply only to federal projects.


Project Amount $ 545,000
Less: excluded cost 1,445
Net amount for direct and indirect cost 543,555
Divide net amount by the combined 103.95%
 percentage of 100 percent plus the

applicable indirect cost rate percentage
Subtract this amount from the net amount 522,900
Equals the indirect cost dollar amount $ 20,655

Community-based organizations, independent colleges, and other non-governmental agencies requesting funding must also submit the following:
  • A copy of the organization's current operating budget
  • A list of its current board of directors
  • The certification page signed by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to the General Assurances, Terms, and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, and
  • A copy of the agency’s most recent annual audit report prepared by an independent certified public accountant licensed in this state.

All of these items must be submitted prior to the issuance of a project award. At the option of the department, additional documentation of financial stability may be required as a condition of funding.

Performance- Payment will be made upon submission of a properly prepared invoice and documented allowable disbursements, plus documentation of completion of specified performance objectives, which are stated in the approved project. The program administrator is responsible for approving performance deliverables prior to payment. Detailed instructions are also outlined in the Green Book, Section C, Fiscal and Program Accountability, under Project Reports.

Reimbursement – Payment will be made upon submission of a properly prepared invoice and documented allowable disbursements, in accordance with the applicable program requirements and instructions outlined in the approved project. Detailed instructions are also outlined in the Green Book, Section C, Fiscal and Program Accountability, under Project Reports.

Legible copies of all invoices or receipts, which set forth details sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit, shall be submitted with the reimbursement package. The invoices and the entries on the detail forms should correspond with the agency's account codes listed on the applicable Project Disbursement Report.

All claims must be a direct cost to the program, unless there is an approved indirect cost allocation plan on file with the Department Comptroller's Office. See procedures for requesting reimbursement in the Department's Green Book.

Each RFP/A will give instructions on how to apply and if an online application is available.

The project number is comprised of 13 characters located in the top right corner of the project award notification letter (Box 2).

The Office of Grants Management assigns the project number. The first three characters identify the agency.

The next five characters identify the funding source from which the project will be paid.

The last five characters are used to identify sub-elements referred to as the project code. They identify the fiscal year of funding, the payment method, program identifier and the number of projects issued to an agency by that funding source.

The forms can be found in the Green Book under the forms section at Project Application and Amendment Procedures for Federal and State Programs (Green Book).

The DOE 150 and 151.

Yes, this letter must accompany each application as is specified in the Green Book. The letter must come from the authorized official agency head assigning signature authority in their absence.

Yes, if your agency’s policies and procedures permit it.

Yes. All requested information on the RFP/A should be included in the application to assure eligibility.

Yes, email corrections are allowable for forms that do not require a signature.

Entitlement applications are approved with an estimated amount for roll forward so at that particular time it is correct. However, after the roll forward process is completed the initial amount available may be more or less based on the final calculations. You should note that any increase sent out in the form of a letter or memorandum must be followed up with the submission of an amendment from the agency in order to have authority to spend the additional funds. If the amount certified in the letter is less, no amendment is required and the agency should adjust their records accordingly.

Usually, such a difference is caused by one of two things: an inaccurate estimate of roll forward funds, or change in the final federal allocation. In either case, the information on the certified roll forward letter is correct.

If you cannot find the answer to your question(s), or if you would like to submit a question, feel free to contact us at 850-245-0496.