Educational Programs Unit
Phone: 850-245-0442
The Educational Programs Unit is charged with the responsibility of providing general legal assistance to all program units of the Department, from pre-kindergarten to college, in order to ensure that agency action complies with the state’s Education Code, the Florida Constitution, and the many federal laws and grants. The unit assists with implementing the state’s educational initiatives such as differentiated accountability, drop-out prevention, and various choice options, including virtual programs, charter schools and private schools that accept students with McKay scholarships. Educational Programs provides assistance in developing and reviewing policies, rules, and technical assistance papers, conducts hearings and appeals, handles litigation, and responds to complaints filed with the federal Office of Civil Rights. The unit coordinates the preparation of legislative bill analyses and legal review of proposed legislation, and provides training in the area of agency rulemaking.
Judy A. Bone
Deputy General Counsel
Jamie Braun
Assistant General Counsel
Amanda Gay
Assistant General Counsel
Tria Parsons
Executive/Legal Assistant
Business Operations Unit
The Business Operations Unit handles all contract reviews and provides significant assistance in contract preparation and negotiation, and preparation of competitive procurements and grant solicitations. Business Operations also handles a wide variety of litigation, including personnel appeals and arbitrations, bid protests, McKay scholarship denials, rule challenges, risk management cases, and challenges over district funding issues. Questions relating to bond finance, education funding, growth management, labor relations, garnishments, general services, technology, and other finance and operations issues are also referred to this unit.
James Richmond
Deputy General Counsel
Linda Adams
Legal Assistant
Fidel Iglesias
Assistant General Counsel
Alex Edgeworth
Assistant General Counsel
Professional Practices Services Unit
Phone: 850-245-0443
This section represents the Commissioner of Education in educator licensing proceedings through which teaching or administration certificates may be denied or sanctioned. This section provides advice to investigators, recommends probable cause determinations to the Commissioner, drafts administrative complaints, negotiates settlements, handles informal hearings before the Education Practices Commission and formal hearings at the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), and defends cases on appeal.
Bonnie Wilmot
Deputy General Counsel
Jason Holman
Assistant General Counsel
Chase Jones
Assistant General Counsel
Jennifer Gray
Assistant General Counsel
Brian Pagozalski
Paralegal Specialist
Andrew Kearns
Paralegal Specialist
Vocational Rehabilitation/Blind Services Unit
Phone: 850-245-0442
This unit provides legal services to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Division of Blind Services. These divisions provide vocational rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities that impede their employability. This unit represents the Divisions in administrative hearings and civil litigation and provides guidance in matters including rulemaking, contracts, vendor certification, legal process, legislative proposals, and policy. The unit also manages the Divisions’ subrogation rights to reimbursement of vocational rehabilitation service expenditures from third-party payments
David Chappell
Deputy General Counsel
Paula Harrigan
Assistant General Counsel
Faith Long
Legal Assistant – Vocational Rehabilitation/Blind Services
Tammy Smith
Legal Assistant – Public Records Requests