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District Virtual Instruction Programs
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K12 Florida

The mission of K12 Florida is to provide an innovative, intensive academic preparation that inspires and educates students to achieve the highest levels of academic knowledge and skills regardless of geographic, financial, or demographic circumstance. K12 Florida embraces a partnership among teachers and parents so that students will reach extraordinary heights. With hard work and responsibility, every student will meet the challenge of mastering high expectations and reach their full potential.

Contact Information:


Public school options: 866-968-7512
Private school options: 855-864-8928
Individual course purchase: 855-637-1434

Programs Offered

  • Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Grades K-12
  • All Students

Course List

Approved Courses (Excel)

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

  • Online School (OLS)
  • Online Middle and High School (OMHS)
  • D2L Brightspace

Teacher Qualifications

  • Bachelors Degree
  • Appropriate teacher certifications/licensures
  • Meet highly qualified status
  • 5+ years of teaching experience preferred

Website for Employment:

Disclosure Website

Providers must disclose information for the general public related to their curriculum, policies, certification and physical location of administrators and instructional staff, instructional staff availability, student-teacher ratios, student completion and promotion rates and student and school performance results.