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Charter Schools
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Statutes, Rules & Model Forms

Rules Under Development

Charter School Statutes

The 2002 Florida School Code adopted by the Florida Legislature provides parents and students with numerous statutory rights for educational choice. Those related to Charter Schools are listed below:


Establishes charter schools. Under this law, private entities may enter into charters with school boards to provide educational services to district students. State universities may grant charters to lab schools created under s.1002.32. This law provides information on the application process and review, charter school requirements, charter funding, exemptions from statute, etc

Establishes criteria and requirements for charter schools experiencing a deteriorating financial condition or a state of financial emergency.

Establishes charter school eligibility requirements, procedures, and uses for capital outlay funding.

Establishes high-performing charter school eligibility requirements and procedures.

Establishes high-performing charter school systems eligibility requirements and procedures.

Establishes Schools of Hope. More information may be located on the Schools of Hope webpage.

Establishes the Charter School Review Commission within the Department of Education to review and approve applications for charter schools overseen by district school boards.

Charter School State Board of Education Rules


Charter School Review Commission, SBE 6A-6.0792

Establishes the process by which the Charter School Review Commission conducts its work reviewing charter school applications.



Florida College and University Charter School Sponsors, SBE 6A-6.0790

Establishes procedures and standards for review and approval of a Florida College System (FCS) institution or a State University System (SUS) institution to act as a sponsor of a charter school, pursuant to Section (s.) 1002.33, Florida Statutes (F.S.).


Special Magistrate for Unresolved Student Welfare Complaints at Charter Schools, SBE 6A-6.0791

Establishes the process for a parent to request the appointment of a special magistrate when a parent’s concern for his or her child’s welfare under the provisions of section 1001.42(8)(c), F.S. have not been resolved.

Form CSSM-1

Monthly Financial Statement and Financial Condition Rule,
SBE 6A-1.0081
Establishes requirements related to the monthly financial statement that a charter school must complete and submit to its sponsor and establishes procedures for developing financial recovery and corrective action plans and determining a deteriorating financial condition.


Form IEPC-F2

Governance Training Rule, SBE 6A-6.0784
Establishes procedures for the approval of charter school governance training submitted to the Florida Department of Education by potential training providers. Participation in approved governance training is a statutory requirement for the governing bodies of all charter schools in Florida.

Form IEPC-09

Form IEPC-10

Form IEPC-11

Notice Requirements for Performance Data, SBE 6A-6.0788
Outlines the manner in which charter schools will provide student performance data to required recipients.

Appeals Rule, SBE 6A-6.0781
Establishes procedures for appealing a district school board decision to deny an application for a charter school.

Capital Outlay Rule, SBE 6A-2.0020
Clarifies eligibility requirements for capital outlay funding by defining expanded feeder chain and the method for determining satisfactory student achievement.

Charter School Corrective Action and School Improvement Plans, SBE 6A-1.099827
Establishes Charter School Corrective Action and School Improvement Plans.

Conversion Charter Ballot Process SBE 6A-6.0787
Establishes a procedure by which parents and teachers of public school may vote to submit an application for conversion to charter status.