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SESIR Codes & Definitions
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Drug Use


The use or possession of any drug, narcotic, controlled substance, or any substance when used for chemical intoxication. Use means the person is caught in the act of using, admits to use or is discovered to have used in the course of an investigation.


  • Student or other possessing or being under the influence of illegal drugs at school, at school-sponsored events, or on school transportation.
  • Student possessing or observed swallowing prescription drugs that are not prescribed for him/her.
  • Student found inhaling or ingesting intoxicants, glue, solvents, or aerosols for hallucinogenic purposes.


  • Student possessing or using over-the-counter medications in dosage prescribed.
  • Student using inhalers for asthmatic condition.
  • Student possessing drug paraphernalia (refer to Other Major, OMC).

Additional Guidelines

Districts must also report the Drug-Related data element, and the Drug Description (PDF) for all drug use/possession incidents. Complete the Drug Description using (M) - Marijuana, (N) - Not a controlled substance, (O) - Other illicit drugs, (P) - Opioids,  or (Z) - Not applicable. If the incident involves both (M) and (O), select the description that represents the most serious offense.

Note: Drug Use/Possession incidents must also be reported in the related element "Drug-Related"

Behavioral evidence alone should not be used as a basis for reporting drug use. Although a student giving another an over-the-counter medication may violate school code, it is not reported as a SESIR incident.

Drug paraphernalia should not be reported under Drug Use/Possession. It should be reported only under Other Major Incidents.


If a student admits to using drugs, even if there is no physical evidence, could it qualify as a SESIR incident?

  • Yes, this can be considered a SESIR Drug Use/Possession incident, but generally no arrest could be made (without the physical evidence). Including these incidents in SESIR gives a more accurate picture of drug incidents on campus and resulting disciplinary actions.


  • 499.03 Possession of certain drugs without prescriptions unlawful; exemptions and exceptions.
  • 877.111 Inhalation, ingestion, possession, sale, purchase, or transfer of harmful chemical substances...
  • 893.147 Use, possession, manufacture, delivery, transportation, or advertisement of drug paraphernalia.


Office of Safe Schools
325 West Gaines Street, Room 1302
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-5173