8:30 a.m. Call to Order |
Chair Gary Chartrand |
Welcome |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Member Comments |
Commissioner's Report (PDF, 23KB)
- Recognize Jayne Ellspermann, 2015 National Principal of the Year
- Recognize Belinda Chason, 2014 Woman of the Year in Agriculture
- Recognize Taxwatch 2014 Principal Leadership Award Recipients
Commissioner Pam Stewart |
- Digital Learning (PDF, 16KB)
Action Items
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0786, Forms for Charter School Applicants and Sponsors (PDF, 198KB)
- Approval of New Rule 6A-6.0982, Florida Approved Online Course Providers (PDF, 124KB)
- Approval of District Turnaround Option Plans for Schools Required to Implement Turnaround in 2014-15 (PDF, 795KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.099811, Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement (PDF, 300KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-10.024, Articulation Between and Among Universities, Florida Colleges, and School Districts (PDF, 440KB)
- Approval of Amendments to Rules relating to Educator Certification: (PDF, 3MB)
- 6A-4.0012, Application Information
- 6A-4.002, General Provisions
- 6A-4.0051, Renewal and Reinstatement of a Professional Certificate
- 6A-4.006, General and Professional Preparation
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0943, Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 92KB)
- Approval of New Rule 6A-1.09963, High School Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 47KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03022, Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Dual Sensory Impairments (PDF, 47KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03028, Provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Development of Individual Educational Plans for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 113KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03029, Development of Individualized Family Support Plans for Children with Disabilities Ages Birth Through Five Years (PDF, 122KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0331, General Education Intervention Procedures, Evaluation, Determination of Eligibility, Reevaluation and the Provision of Exceptional Student Education Services (PDF, 58KB)
- Approval of Amendments to Rules relating to English Language Learners: (PDF, 102KB)
- 6A-6.0900, Programs for English Language Learners
- 6A-6.09022, Extension of Services in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program
- 6A-6.0905, Requirements for the District English Language Learners Plan
- 6A-6.0909, Exemptions Provided to English Language Learners
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-4.0021, Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (PDF, 488KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-4.00821, Florida Educational Leadership Examination (PDF, 329KB)
Consent Items
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0014, Comprehensive Management Information System (PDF, 36KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09441, Requirements for Programs and Courses Which are Funded Through the Florida Education Finance Program and for Which the Student May Earn Credit Toward High School Graduation (PDF, 44KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0995, Form of High School Diplomas and Certificates of Completion (PDF, 25KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03411, Definitions, ESE Policies and Procedures, and ESE Administrators (PDF, 17KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0451, Florida Education Finance Program Student Membership Surveys (PDF, 49KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-20.027, Rosewood Family Scholarship Fund (PDF, 243KB)
- Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $1,150,000,000 State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) Refunding Bonds, 2015 Series (to be determined) (PDF, 128KB)
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-14.0304, Online Courses (PDF, 60KB)
- Approval of the Division of Florida Colleges Employment Equity Accountability Program Progress Report: 2011/2012 through 2013/2014 (PDF, 1MB)
- Approval of Amendments to Rules related to the School Readiness Program: (PDF, 339KB)
- 6M-4.400, Required Parent Co-payment
- 6M-4.500, Child Attendance and Provider Reimbursements
- 6M-4.501, Reimbursement During Emergency Closures
- Approval of Amendment to Rule 6M-8.201, Child Enrollment Procedure for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program (PDF, 2MB)
- Approval of Amendments to Rules related to the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program: (PDF, 464KB)
- 6M-8.605, VPK Staff Development Plan For Providers on Probation
- 6M-8.700, Provider on Probation; Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Improvement Plan and Implementation; First Year Probation
- 6M-8.701, Provider on Probation; Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Annual Probation Progress Report; Second and Subsequent Year Probation
- 6M-8.702, Removal From Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Eligibility
- Approval of Repeal of Rules 6M-4.401, Co-payment Collection and 6M-4.502, Records to be Maintained and Monitoring for Reimbursements (PDF, 32KB)
- Approval of Repeal of Rules related to the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program: (PDF, 77KB)
- 6M-8.200, Documenting Child Eligibility for the VPK Program
- 6M-8.2015, VPK Child Registration Pilot Project
- 6M-8.202, Child Eligibility Determination and Enrollment Procedures
- Approval of Repeal of Rule 6M-9.121, Federal Quality Funds (PDF, 35KB)
Concluding Remarks |
Chair Gary Chartrand |