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2014 Archived Meetings
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April 10, 2014 - Agenda

Gary Chartrand, Chair
John R. Padget, Vice
Chair Ada G. Armas
John A. Colon
Marva Johnson
Rebecca Fishman Lipsey
Andy Tuck

Department of Education
Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1703/07
Tallahassee, FL

April 10, 2014

3:00 p.m. Call to Order Chair Gary Chartrand
  Introductions Commissioner Pam Stewart
3:10 - 3:30 What is good teaching? Janet Gless, Chief Officer, Programs and Partnerships, New Teacher Center
3:30 - 3:45 How does someone become a teacher in Florida? Eileen McDaniel, Chief, Educator Recruitment, Development, & Retention
3:45 - 4:05 What progress has Florida made on improving new educator quality while also ensuring access? Kathy Hebda, Chief of Staff and Phil Canto, Bureau Chief, Postsecondary Assessment
4:05 - 4:35 What are some of the promising practices related to educator preparation in Florida? Dr. Carrie Straub, University of Central Florida
4:35 - 5:05 What are some of the promising practices related to educator preparation in the U.S.?

What works in terms of statewide implementation of reforms?
Dr. Arthur Levine, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
5:05 - 5:25 What are the most significant opportunities to improve educator preparation still in front of us and how are we thinking about them? Brian Dassler, Deputy Chancellor for Educator Quality
5:25 - 5:45 What are Florida's next steps? State Board Discussion
  Download and print workshop agenda (PDF)

Concluding Remarks
Chair Gary Chartrand