Effective: December 9, 2012

2012-2013 SPEEDE/ExPRESS Health Condition (G99HC)

1. Record Type: G99 - This record would be sent with transactions that do not strictly adhere to any of the four approved FASTER formats (Interdistrict, Secondary, Technical Center, or Postsecondary).
2. National Record Type: HC - This record is used to provide the receiving institution with information concerning the student's health condition.
3. The presence of LOW-VALUES in data fields causes significant problems for several institutions in the receipt of student records. A transaction will be rejected if non-displayable characters are sent in the data unless found in Filler Reserved for Local Use. Please use some other appropriate character (e.g., SPACES) with which to initialize your records before sending them.
4. Special characters, tilde (~), caret (^), and grave accent (`), are used as delimiters in the translation of FASTER to SPEEDE/ExPRESS. They are reserved symbols and as such cannot be included in data sent through FASTER to a SPEEDE/ExPRESS institution.

Field Characteristics:

A = Alphabetic only
A/N = Alphameric
N = Numeric only
Z = Zoned numeric
P = Packed decimal
R = Right justified with leading zeros
L = Left justified

Format Characteristics:

Name: 2012-2013 SPEEDE/ExPRESS Health Condition
Number: G99HC

Effective: December 9, 2012

Record Size: 1020

1 1-3 3 A/N Record Type *
Code Definition
G99 Generic Data Transfer
2 4-6 3 A/N National Record Type *
Code Definition
HC SPEEDE/ExPRESS Health Condition
3 7-12 6 A/N/L Disease Condition Type Code *

This is a code identifying the disease had by or the condition of a student. The source of this code list is the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes (Attachment 1).

4 13-17 5 A/N/L Medical Treatment Type Code *

This is a code indicating the treatment activity related to a health condition of a person. These codes are Physician's Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes (Attachment 2).

5 18-20 3 A/N Format for Date of First Encounter

This is a code which identifies the type of date being transmitted in the next field.
Code Definition
CM Century, Year, and Month (CCYYMM)
CY Century and Year (CCYY)
D8 Century, Year, Month and Day (CCYYMMDD)
DB Month, Day, Century and Year, (MMDDCCYY)

6 21-28 8 A/N/L Date of First Encounter

The actual date that the disease or condition was first encountered.

7 29-29 1 A/N Resolution of Disease or Condition

This is a code to indicate if the disease or condition has been resolved.
Code Definition
N No, the condition or disease has not been resolved
U It is unknown if the condition or disease has been resolved
Y Yes, the condition or disease has been resolved

8 30-1011 982 A/N Filler
9 1012-1020 9 A/N Filler Reserved for Local Use