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2009 Score Reports
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2009 Writing Prompts

The released 2009 FCAT Writing Anchor Sets for Grades 4, 8, and 10 are available at

Grade 4

Writing to Explain (Expository)

The Grade 4 expository prompt directed the student to think about and explain why it is important to follow rules.

Writing to Tell a Story (Narrative)

The Grade 4 narrative prompt directed the student to write a story about a time he or she had a day off from school.

Grade 8

Writing to Explain (Expository)

The Grade 8 expository prompt directed the student to think about a place he or she would like to go on a field trip and explain why he or she would like to go on a field trip to this place.

Writing to Persuade (Persuasive)

The Grade 8 persuasive prompt directed the student to persuade the principal whether students should be allowed to eat snacks in the classroom.

Grade 10

Writing to Explain (Expository)

The Grade 10 expository prompt directed the student to think about and explain why he, she, or someone else saves something.

Writing to Persuade (Persuasive)

The Grade 10 persuasive prompt directed the student to convince the school board whether schools should ask students to raise money for school activities.